Health Management and Policy

Headshot of Christopher Friese

Christopher Friese appointed to National Cancer Advisory Board

President Joseph Biden named Christopher Friese among seven new members of the National Cancer Advisory Board, an elite group of 18 cancer clinicians and researchers who play an important role in guiding the director of the National Cancer Institute in setting the course for the national cancer research program. Friese’s term will last six years.

A nurse cares for an elderly patient.

Study Shows Major Gaps in Who Gets Dementia Care That Could Help Them Remain at Home

New research from HwaJung Choi, Michele Heisler, Edward Norton, Kenneth Langa, and Cathleen Connell

A new study provides stark statistics about a reality that 6 million Americans with dementia and their families live every day: one where people with dementia receive hundreds of hours a month in unpaid care from spouses, adult children and other relatives, and where some rely on paid help including nursing home care.

racism in healthcare

Structural Racism Is Not an Exemption from Accountability

In February 2021, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) tweeted, “No physician is racist, so how can there be structural racism in health care?” The tweet was designed to promote a podcast that was ostensibly focused on structural racism yet did not include experts on the topic. The subsequent uproar highlighted the harm caused by deep intentional ignorance of the term structural racism, defined in the American Journal of Public Health as “policies and practices…that confer advantages on people considered White and ideologies that maintain these advantages, while simultaneously oppressing other racialized groups.”

Silhouettes of a diverse group of people.

Faculty Team Hopes to Galvanize Anti-Racism in Public Health Education

As public health faculty passionate about health equity, Melissa Creary and Paul Fleming have spent their careers observing the ways in which racism creates barriers to health for communities. Now, the pair are laying plans to make an impact on public health education through anti-racist teaching, beginning in their own backyard.