Faculty and Research

Global Public Health Faculty

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Where are our global public health faculty working

What are our global public health faculty working on

HIV/AIDS capacity building chronic disease maternal and child health mentoring fellows/scholars nutrition big data policy teaching training tobacco environmental health social behavioral science infectious diseases genetics mentoring students visiting professor/lecturer health inequities cancer program development water quality population-based studies machine learning clinical and epidemiological research air pollution/quality e-health/ m-health violence women's health dengue statistical methods/applications adolescents human rights reproductive health crossborder health services community-based participatory research/interventions food systems surveillance aging geriatric care systems-level transmission models agriculture food insecurity mathematical and systems modeling of disease processes and interventions obesity disaster MSM survey research education health technologies climate vectorborne diseases waterborne diseases vaccine preventable diseases environmental epidemiology evidence-based research prognostic models gender medical sociology preventive medicine cardiometabolic risk Zika occupational health health politics and policies system governance injury epidemiology sustainability research birth studies COVID-19 cost effectiveness family-based interventions medication adherence urban health healthcare delivery health services and outcomes research noise injury life course epidemiology scientific writing tuberculosis/MDR-TB LGBTQ artificial intelligence randomized clinical trials culture sickle cell disease program evaluation malaria cardiovascular disease genomics mental health social determinants frail and vulnerable populations sleep diet vaccine hesitancy exposure assessment academic publishing noise exposure hearing loss zoonotic diseases global health security

Who are our global public health faculty

The blue highlight indicates that these faculty hold global public health appointments.