Funding Proposal Resources
Tips for Crafting a Strong Proposal for Funding
A funding proposal is something like a sales document. In writing your proposal, the goal is to convince the reviewers how the proposed internship will fulfill your academic requirements, facilitate professional development, and why it’s a good fit for the mission of their particular funding. You will also need to convey how you are qualified to deliver the set goals of the internship. Successful proposals are concise and capture the reviewer’s attention.
While this may seem daunting, don’t worry! Campus resources are available and OGPH staff are available by appointment and during workshops to review draft proposals and provide suggestions for improvement.
All students applying for funding from the Office of Global Public Health must attend one of the Global Public Health Funding Proposal Workshops. Student proposals tend to be stronger and more effective when candidates receive guidance from our office during the initial proposal writing process.
Workshop offerings in 2024-25: REGISTER
top 10 tips for creating a strong funding proposal:
Proposal Examples and Connecting with Past Interns
Students are encouraged to attend the annual Global Health Poster Session showcasing students who received OGPH funding for their internships the prior summer. The poster session is typically on the last Friday in January. Examples of past projects are also showcased on our Student Field Experience pages.
Review examples of past student proposal submissions. These are well formatted and strong proposals that you may use as a guide when developing your own proposal.
Planning your Internship: Helpful Questions to Ask
Many global public health internships are initiated through networking rather than applying to a pre-defined position. This provides interns with the opportunity to customize the experience to meet learning goals and the current needs of the partner organization. View questions that may help guide you in defining and developing your global internship.