Courses Details
PUBHLTH681: Applied Practice and Integrative Experience II
- Graduate level
- Online MPH only
- This is a second year course for Online students
- Winter term(s) for online MPH students;
- 2 credit hour(s) for online MPH students;
- Instructor(s): Elizabeth Levin-Sparenberg, Melissa Beck, (Online MPH);
- Prerequisites: PubHlth 512, Biostats 501
- Description: Students will continue with research, analysis, evaluation and writing to complete their capstone project. They will also explore different professional writing format.
- Learning Objectives: Objectives: - Complete integrated learning experience project, through research, analysis and evaluation - Produce a written capstone in a professional format - Understand how to tailor written product (aka your capstone) to a specific audience (intended readers of student's work) - Be able to develop effective written and oral communications - Get practice using conventions specific to practice-based and/or academic writing - Further develop writing process through reflection and trying new approaches - Revise own writing based on feedback from advisor - Explain the critical importance of evidence in advancing public health knowledge