Courses Details
BIOSTAT698: Modern Statistical Methods in Epidemiologic Studies
- Graduate level
- Residential
- Fall term(s) for residential students;
- 4 credit hour(s) for residential students;
- Instructor(s):
- Not offered 2024-2025
- Prerequisites: EPID600, BIOSTAT522 and BIOSTAT523 for epid students; BIOSTAT650, BIOSTAT651 for biostat students
- Advisory Prerequisites: EPID 798 for epid students; BIOSTAT 695 for Biostat students
- Description: The goal of this pilot course is to create an interdisciplinary educational experience for Ph.D. students in Epidemiology (also available as an optional elective for Masters students in Biostatistics) through a uniquely designed course that contains lectures on advanced biostatistical methods, but places them in the context of epidemiological applications.
- This course is cross-listed with EPID815.
- Syllabus for BIOSTAT698