IPE Townhall

The Interprofessional Team: Training the Next Generation of Collaborative Health Professionals

Olivia S. Anderson, MPH ’09, PhD ’13

Interprofessional collaboration, teamwork, communication, and intercultural intelligence are vital skills for a public health practitioner. As IPE is integrated into public health education, learners will interact and learn with peers in other health professions regularly and can bring their insights with them into their professional work life.


FDA Approves HPV Vaccine for Those Up to Age 45

Nina Masters, MPH ‘18

The FDA recently approved an HPV vaccine called Gardasil 9 for individuals up to age 45. Why is this important and how might this expanded age range affect relatively low uptake rates for this cancer-preventing vaccine?


Let's Continue the Conversation about Mental Health and Suicide

Traci Carson

The recent deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain have sparked media and public dialogue about mental health and suicide. PhD Candidate Traci Carson explores how continuing the conversation is vital to building and improving mental health support and resources.

Backyard Statistics

Working in Everyone's Backyard: Statistics in the Community

Stephen Salerno

Statistics in the Community is a community outreach organization offering the expertise of statistics graduate students—free of charge—to nonprofit organizations. They design studies, develop better data collection instruments, and analyze data for public good.