Nutritional Sciences

test tubes

Nutritional Epigenetics: Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny

Nicole Urdahl

How many times have you gone to the doctor and filled out the patient history forms only to feel hopeless because your family history is littered with various chronic diseases? Well I’ve got good news—there’s hope, thanks to an emerging field called epigenetics.

Coffee and laptop

Balancing Work and Life

Olivia Anderson

I am all about work-life balance, but, in the age of smartphones and 24/7 connectivity, what exactly does that mean?

Mothers from Eastern Ukraine attend training on breastfeeding

Breastfeeding: How Long Is Too Long?

Brooke A. Perry

It was a cool September morning. Flipping the radio station on my drive into work, I happened across a talk show and something caught my ear. As I listened, I realized they were discussing breastfeeding—more specifically breastfeeding into toddlerhood.


How Language Impacts Public Health

Suzie Genyk

I often find myself wondering about the factors that brought an individual to their circumstance, whether it’s chronic disease, addiction, or homelessness that they experience.

Nutrition Label

A Nudge Is Better Than a Shove

Tiffany Yang

A GPS guides you in the right direction to your destination. Your car beeps if you set off without putting your seatbelt on. These little nudges provide cognitive and environmental structures that makes certain choices easier.