
illustration of a microscope, and a magnifying glass studying a DNA sample

Tracking a Killer: Disease Behavior and Epidemiology's Detective Tools

Betsy Foxman

You don't have to know an organism to track its effects. This fundamental insight into the relationship between humans and pathogens helps public health professionals act even when they have only imperfect information. Just as importantly, says Betsy Foxman, is the will to act—for the benefit of everyone in the community—when good science tells us the time is now.

A father plays outside with his young son

Fatherhood and Public Health

A Father's Day Q&A with Professor Cleopatra Caldwell

Growing evidence suggests that engaged fatherhood improves the health and mental health of men and their children. As we celebrate dads of all kinds this Father's Day, Cleopatra Howard Caldwell, PhD — Professor and Chair of Health Behavior and Health Education, and Director of the Center for Research on Ethnicity, Culture and Health — explores the connections between fatherhood and public health, her latest work on the Fathers and Sons Project, and the ways bringing fathers and the sons together impacts health for all.

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One Family, Three Disciplines: An Intergenerational Conversation on Public Health

Michael Boehnke, Betsy Foxman, and Kevin Foxman Boehnke

We asked a family of public health researchers about big-picture changes in the field, how they decide which questions to pursue, and what they make of specialization in the sciences. Their conversation both lifts up and itself embodies the interdisciplinary nature of public health.

IPE Townhall

The Interprofessional Team: Training the Next Generation of Collaborative Health Professionals

Olivia S. Anderson, MPH ’09, PhD ’13

Interprofessional collaboration, teamwork, communication, and intercultural intelligence are vital skills for a public health practitioner. As IPE is integrated into public health education, learners will interact and learn with peers in other health professions regularly and can bring their insights with them into their professional work life.

kids and food

LISTEN: Kate Bauer Talks Kids and Food for National Nutrition Month

In this preview of the University of Michigan School of Public Health's upcoming podcast, "Population Healthy," Assistant Professor of Nutritional Sciences Katherine Bauer sits down to talk about ways parents can manage effective nutrition for their kids, the day-to-day factors that impact it, and strategies for setting up the home environment for success.