
Traci Carson

What Is the Female Athlete Triad?

Traci Carson

As a student-athlete, Michigan Public Health doctoral student Traci Carson developed the Female Athlete Triad—a relationship of menstrual dysfunction, low energy availability (with or without an eating disorder), and decreased bone mineral density that strikes female athletes across high-impact sports. In her own words, Traci explains the Triad and her research into prevention.

Heart Health

Heart Health Is Public Health

Sharing your heart with someone special this Valentine’s Day? As American Heart Month rolls on, explore the many ways you can keep yours beating healthy and steady with research and advice from Michigan Public Health students, faculty, and alumni.

Anna Sadovnikova

3 Tips for Aspiring Public Health Entrepreneurs

Anna Sadovnikova

I never thought I could call myself an “entrepreneur” or a “businesswoman.” Even today, three years after co-founding a company and (finally) selling our product, I still hesitate to use those words to describe myself. But after listening to the success stories and failures of dozens of innovators, I’ve identified three key strategies that we all employ.