U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory
University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425
Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)
Letter: S
Name | Department | Address | Phone | E-mail Address | Type |
85 Total | |||||
Sais, Emma | Epidemiology | 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX | 734-361-853-1945 | emsais@umich.edu | staff |
Sakrejda, Krzysztof | Epidemiology | 4665 SPH I | sakrejda@umich.edu | staff | |
Salzman, Elizabeth | Epidemiology | 5620 SPH I | eahaak@umich.edu | staff | |
Sanders, Wade | Epidemiology | 1919 Green St. #A120 | 734-763-2461 | wadesand@umich.edu | staff |
Saran, Rajiv | Biostatistics | 3623 SPH I | 734-763-1521 | rsaran@umich.edu | staff |
Sardone, Jennifer | Biostatistics | 3645 3.7 SPH I | 734-936-5711 | jmsto@umich.edu | staff |
Sarigiannis, Amy | Office of Global Public Health | M2208 SPH II | 734-647-0124 | abuss@umich.edu | staff |
Sarma, Aruna (profile) | Epidemiology | 1500 E Med Ctr Dr | 734-763-7514 | asarma@umich.edu | faculty |
Sartor, Maureen (profile) | Biostatistics | 2044 Palmer Commons | 734-763-8013 | sartorma@umich.edu | faculty |
Schaubel, Douglas (profile) | Biostatistics | M4039 SPH II | 734-615-9825 | deschau@umich.edu | faculty |
Schipper, Matthew (profile) | Biostatistics | M2242 SPH II | 734-232-1076 | mjschipp@umich.edu | faculty |
Schottenfeld, David (profile) | Epidemiology | daschott@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Schouman, Laura | Nutritional Sciences | NIB |
laura sc@umich.edu | staff | |
Schreiner, Laura | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | lschrein@umich.edu | staff | |
Schropp, Michael | Biostatistics | M2030 SPH II | 734-764-5425 | mschropp@umich.edu | staff |
Schulz, Amy (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 2822 SPH I | 734-647-0221 | ajschulz@umich.edu | faculty |
Schwabe-Nuttall, Susan | Health Management & Policy | TBD | nuttalls@umich.edu | staff | |
Schweigert, Alexandra | Office of Development | 1815 SPH I | 734-763-5228 | aleysch@umich.edu | staff |
Scott, Catharine | Biostatistics | M2509 SPH II | 734-615-7688 | cathscot@umich.edu | staff |
Scott, Laura (profile) | Biostatistics | M4134 SPH II | 734-763-0006 | ljst@umich.edu | faculty |
Seeley, Alli | Epidemiology | 3644 SPH I | alliseel@umich.edu | staff | |
Seiger, Carolyn | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | cseiger@umich.edu | staff | |
Sen, Ananda (profile) | Biostatistics | M2539 SPH II | 734-998-7120 ext. 344 |
anandas@umich.edu | faculty |
Seo, Young (profile) | Nutritional Sciences | 3850 SPH I | 734-763-0745 | youngseo@umich.edu | faculty |
Shahinian, Vahakn | Biostatistics | 3631 SPH I | 734-763-1611 | vahakn@umich.edu | staff |
Shamraj, Ruth | Biostatistics | 3639 SPH I | 734-763-1535 | rshamraj@umich.edu | staff |
Sharp, Tim | Instructional Services | M3064 SPH II | 734-763-7567 | sph.instruction@umich.edu | staff |
Shearon (Hulbert), Tempie | Biostatistics | 3639 SPH I | 734-763-1535 | tshearon@umich.edu | staff |
Shen, Chen | Biostatistics | Working Remotely | sphchen@umich.edu | staff | |
Shepherd, Michael (profile) | Health Management & Policy | 3509 SPH II | meshep@umich.edu | faculty | |
Sheskey, Sarah | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | ssheskey@umich.edu | staff | |
Shi, Xu (profile) | Biostatistics | M4525 SPH II | 734-763-5965 | shixu@umich.edu | staff |
Shingledecker, Chris | Epidemiology | 4665.07 SPH I | 734-764-7407 | shing@umich.edu | staff |
Shotwell, Abigail | Epidemiology | 5626 SPH I | shotwe@umich.edu | staff | |
Siavoshani, Zahra-Noor | Epidemiology | zsiavosh@umich.edu | staff | ||
Siddhantam, Satya | Biostatistics | sssidd@umich.edu | staff | ||
Silva, Shannon | Resource Planning and Management | SPH I 1840 | 734-763-3202 | smsilva@umich.edu | staff |
Sim, Xueling | Biostatistics | M4045 SPH II | 734-936-1002 | xlsim@umich.edu | staff |
Simjanovki, Gabe | Epidemiology | 5642, SPH I | simjanov@umich.edu | staff | |
Simon, Alex | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | lexsimon@umich.edu | staff | |
Simon, Jeremiah | Biostatistics | 3645-3.9 SPH I | 734-647-9430 | jeremsim@umich.edu | staff |
Simon, Taylor | Biostatistics | M2030 SPH II | tasimon@umich.edu | staff | |
Simone, Singh (profile) | Health Management & Policy | M3533 SPH II | 734-936-1194 | singhsim@umich.edu | faculty |
Singh, Raman | Health Management & Policy | singrama@umich.edu | staff | ||
Skaza, Jonathan | Biostatistics | M4048F SPH II | 734-936-4018 | jskaza@umich.edu | staff |
Sleeman, Kathryn | Biostatistics | 3663 SPH I | 734-763-1554 | kath@umich.edu | staff |
Slocum, Elizabeth | Epidemiology | emslocum@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Slutzker, Peter | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 2850 SPH I | peslutzk@umich.edu | staff | |
Smart, Cely | Dean's Office | 734-764-8748 | smartca@umich.edu | staff | |
Smith, Albert | Biostatistics | 4633 SPH I | 734-763-5468 | albertvs@umich.edu | staff |
Smith, Jennifer (profile) | Epidemiology | 2631 SPH I | 734-615-9455 936-2603 |
smjenn@umich.edu | faculty |
Smith, Lauren | Environmental Health Sciences | M6020 SPH II | 734-764-4658 | laumarie@umich.edu | staff |
Smith, Mackenzie | Epidemiology | 4647 SPH I | 734-764-8095 | macksmi@umich.edu | staff |
Smith, Matthew | Epidemiology | M5134 SPH II | 734-764-2340 | smmatt@umich.edu | staff |
Smith, Richard | Computing Services | 7625 SPH I | 734-936-1247 | sph.help@umich.edu | staff |
Smith, Shawna (profile) | Health Management & Policy | M3164 SPH II | 734-764-5432 | shawnana@umich.edu | faculty |
Smyka, Catherine | Biostatistics | SPH I 3645 | catsmyka@umich.edu | staff | |
Sokhal, Jasbinder | Biostatistics | 3643 SPH I | 734-764-2674 | jsokhal@umich.edu | staff |
Song, Jiyeon | Biostatistics | M2224 SPH II | jiyeons@umich.edu | staff | |
Song, Peter (profile) | Biostatistics | M4140 SPH II | 734-764-9328 | pxsong@umich.edu | faculty |
Sonneville, Kendrin (profile) | Nutritional Sciences | 3855 SPH I | 734-763-8789 | kendrins@umich.edu | faculty |
Sosa Moreno, Andrea | Epidemiology | M5053, SPH II | arsosa@umich.edu | post-doc | |
Spears, Brianna | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | bvspears@umich.edu | staff | |
Spino, Cathie (profile) | Biostatistics | M2079 SPH II | 734-615-5469 | spino@umich.edu | faculty |
Steffes, Kate | Epidemiology | M5117 SPH II | kmsteffe@umich.edu | staff | |
Stein, Sara | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 3807 SPH I | steinsf@umich.edu | faculty | |
Stephenson, J | Health Behavior & Health Equity | Working Remotely | jessiste@umich.edu | staff | |
Stewart, Ardele | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 3703A SPH I | 734-763-1989 | ardy@umich.edu | staff |
Stout, Jessica | Nutritional Sciences | NIB |
jrstout@umich.edu | staff | |
Straughn, Jeremy | Biostatistics | 4619 SPH I | 734-763-0424 709-1843 |
straughn@umich.edu | staff |
Strecher, Vic (profile) | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 2807 SPH I | 734-764-9494 | strecher@umich.edu | faculty |
Stringham, Heather | Biostatistics | M4122 SPH II | 734-647-9467 | hrey@umich.edu | staff |
Struhar, Debbie | Resource Planning and Management | G667 SPH I - Mailroom | 734-763-5411 | dstruhar@umich.edu | staff |
Sujimongkol, Chin | Biostatistics | M2214 SPH II | chinaks@umich.edu | post-doc | |
Sullivan, Stephen | Health Behavior & Health Equity | 2851 SPH I Working Remotely |
734-763-0741 | ssulliv@umich.edu | staff |
Sullivant, Michael | Office of Development | 1818 SPH I | 734-764-8093 | mssulliv@umich.edu | staff |
Sun, Yating | Biostatistics | 3650 3.3 SPH I | 734-763-1600 | yatings@umich.edu | staff |
Suresh, Krithika (profile) | Biostatistics | UH B2 C490 |
ksuresh@umich.edu | faculty | |
Svoboda, Laurie (profile) | Environmental Health Sciences | M6232 SPH II | 734-764-2032 | lmyrant@umich.edu | faculty |
Swain, Michael | Epidemiology | swainmj@umich.edu | faculty | ||
Swalwell, Kathy | Health Behavior & Health Equity | NCRC | 734-222-7671 | calais@umich.edu | staff |
Sylvester, Sharvetta | Biostatistics | M2030-10 SPH II | 734-764-4006 | sharjack@umich.edu | staff |
Szekeres, Kiran | Office of Global Public Health | M2001 SPH II. | 734-763-6220 | kiransd@umich.edu | staff |
Szemak, Karen | Biostatistics | szemak@umich.edu | staff | ||
Szymarek, Rachel | Health Management & Policy | 2800 Plymouth Rd Bldg 16 Fl 4 | 734-615-9635 | szymarek@umich.edu | staff |
Alphabetical by Last Name
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All All Faculty All Staff All Postdoctoral Fellows
By Department
Dean's Office Biostatistics Environmental Health Sciences Epidemiology Health Behavior & Health Equity Health Management & Policy Nutritional Sciences Office of Undergraduate Education