U-M SPH Faculty, Staff and Postdoctoral Fellow Directory

University of Michigan School of Public Health
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029
Telephone: (734) 764-5425

Directions Locating Rooms in SPH by their Numbers (PDF)

Name Department Address Phone E-mail Address Type
60 Total
Hadley-Dottery, Veronica Epidemiology 4655 SPH I 734-764-7373 staff
Hagar, Justin Biostatistics 3671 SPH I 734-763-0499 staff
Halabicky, Olivia Nutritional Sciences 1415 Washington Heights post-doc
Han, Peisong (profile) Biostatistics M4531 SPH II 734-615-7439 faculty
Han, Sang Woong Biostatistics 3631 SPH I 734-763-1611 staff
Handal, Alexis (profile) Epidemiology 6622 SPH I 734-647-3957 faculty
Hanss, Theodore (profile) Health Management & Policy M3134 SPH II 734-330-2575 faculty
Hao, Wei (profile) Biostatistics M4602 SPH II faculty
Hao, Xingjie Biostatistics M4317C SPH II staff
Harlow, Sioban (profile) Epidemiology 6610B SPH I 734-763-5173 faculty
Harper, Gary (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2830 SPH I 734-647-9778 faculty
Harris, Anna Biostatistics M2030 SPH II 734-764-5425 staff
Harris, Craig (profile) EHS / NUTR 6667 SPH I 734-936-3397 faculty
Harris, Sean (profile) Environmental Health Sciences 6645 SPH I 734-764-3188 faculty
Harris, Storee Epidemiology 4665 SPH I staff
Hartman, Nicholas Biostatistics SPH I 3659 faculty
Hartwig, Teresa Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Hayashi, Michael (profile) Epidemiology 5515 SPH I faculty
Hayward, Rodney (profile) Health Management & Policy 6312 Med Sci I/0604 734-936-5222 faculty
He, Kevin (Zhi) (profile) Biostatistics 3663 SPH I 734-764-2279 faculty
Head, Jennifer Epidemiology M5116, SPH II faculty
Hearn, Donny Epidemiology M5118 SPH II 734-764-2340 staff
Hedgeman, Elizabeth Biostatistics 3645.3.24 SPH I 734-763-1609 student
Hegeman, Garnett Epidemiology staff
Heinze, Justin (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3710 SPH I 734-615-4992 faculty
Heisler, Michele (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 2215 Fuller Road Room D19411A 734-845-3504 faculty
Henderson, Nicholas Biostatistics 4610 SPH I 734-764-6585 staff
Hendy, Katie Health Behavior & Health Equity 2806 SPH I post-doc
Heningburg, Jacob Health Management & Policy 3539 SPH II staff
Henry, Haley Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Herkimer, Carol Epidemiology 1919 Green Road #A120 734-763-2461 staff
Herold, Kirsten (profile) Dean's Office M3226 SPH II 734-763-5582 staff
Herzog, Noelle Biostatistics Working Remotely staff
Heung, Mike Biostatistics 3631 SPH I 734-763-1611 staff
Hicks, Wyatt Epidemiology 734-763-9821 staff
Higgins, Millicent (profile) Epidemiology 252 Indian River Place 734-761-9608 faculty
Higginson-Rollins, Paige Office of Global Public Health M2011 SPH II staff
Hill-Burns, Erin Biostatistics staff
Hinnant, Kennedy Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely staff
Hirth, Richard (profile) Health Management & Policy M3202 SPH II 734-936-1306 faculty
Hodgess, Erin Biostatistics M2180 SPH II staff
Hoffman, Lacey Biostatistics M4023 SPH II staff
Holloway, Lisa Biostatistics M2030-3 SPH II 734-764-2817 staff
Holman, Jennifer EHS / ADM 6659 SPH I 734-763-1313 staff
Holtzman, Jeff Biostatistics M2030-12 SPH II 734-736-1971 staff
Hood, Michelle Epidemiology 6610 SPH I 734-647-0819 staff
Hopson, Jennifer Health Behavior & Health Equity Working Remotely 734-936-8645 staff
Hou, Siyu Biostatistics 4613 SPH I post-doc
Houston, Maddie Office for Student Engagement and Practice 1706 SPH I staff
Howe, Kate Health Behavior & Health Equity 3815 SPH I staff
Howell, Catherine Epidemiology 4665.06 SPH I 734-764-7780 staff
Howell, Joel (profile) Health Management & Policy 6312 Med Sci I/0604 734-647-4844 faculty
Huang, Lei Environmental Health Sciences M6134 SPH II staff
Huang, Suiyuan Biostatistics M2030-16 SPH II 734-647-3166 staff
Hudson, Darrell (profile) Health Behavior & Health Equity 3790 SPH I 734-763-7031 faculty
Hudson, Elisabeth (profile) Nutritional Sciences Domino's Farms, Lobby H, Suite 2100 734-232-6871 faculty
Huffman, Maria Elisa Epidemiology 4444 Corona Drive, Suite 236, Corpus Christi, TX 734-361-853-1945 staff
Hutton, David (profile) Health Management & Policy M3515 SPH II 734-936-1214 faculty
Huyghe, Jeroen Biostatistics M4537 SPH II 734-647-7559 staff
Huynh, James (profile) Health Management & Policy 3515 SPH II 734-936-8264 faculty

Alphabetical by Last Name

A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L     M     N     O     P     Q     R     S     T     U     V     W     X     Y     Z     All      All Faculty      All Staff      All Postdoctoral Fellows

By Department

Dean's Office      Biostatistics      Environmental Health Sciences      Epidemiology      Health Behavior & Health Equity      Health Management & Policy      Nutritional Sciences      Office of Undergraduate Education

By Location

SPH I      SPH II      Off-site