Biostatistics PhD Student Profiles

This optional list does not include all of our PhD students.

NPMadeline Abbott, BA, MS
My research interests include survival analysis and longitudinal data analysis, with applications to cancer.

Zhao BangyaoZhao Bangyao, BS, MS
Bayesian Statistics

Andy BeckAndy Beck, BS, MS
The use of population genetic data to understand the biological mechanisms underlying disease risk and heritability

rupam bhattacharyyaRupam Bhattacharyya, BS, MS
Data Integration, Precision Medicine, Clinical Oncology, Infectious Diseases, Bayesian Inference & Machine Learning, Epidemiological Models

Jonathan Boss, BS, MSJonathan Boss, BS, MS 
Continuous shrinkage priors, multi-pollutant modeling, high-dimensional mediation analysis, data integration. Applied collaborations in environmental statistics ranging from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, birth outcomes, and racial differences in telomere length.

chen irenaIrena Chen, B.A.
Joint estimation of longitudinal trajectories and cross-sectional outcomes with an application in women's health. Latent variable estimation in the presence of measurement error, with applications in verbal autopsy and wildlife trafficking.

Elizabeth ChaseElizabeth Chase, BSP.H., MS
Bayesian shrinkage methods for semiparametric modeling. Applied collaborations in prostate cancer and the Flint water crisis

NPTheresa Devasia, BS, MS
Cancer Research, Survival Analysis and Clinical Trials

NPJiacong Du, BA, BS, MS

NPAllison Furgal, BS, MS, M.A. 
Joint models for longitudinal and competing risks survival data, multivariate survival models, copula models

Boran GaoBoran Gao, MBBS, MPH, MS
Statistical Genetics with interest in variance component analysis using summary statistics

NPSarah Hanks, B.A. 
Development and application of statistical methods for the analysis of human genetic and genomic data.

NPNicholas Hartman, BS 
Survival Analysis, Population Health Data

Mengtong HuMengtong Hu, BS
Precision Medicine, Health Data Science, Causal Inference

NPAbhay Hukku, BS, MS
Development of statistical methodology to address problems in human genetics. Currently working on new methods for conducting gene-set based analyses

NPZheng Li, MS
Statistical genetics, spatial transcriptomics analysis, mWAS

Astro MaAstro Tianwen Ma, BS, MS
Bayesian Methodology, Gaussian Processes, Brain-computer Interface

NPYing Ma, B.M., MS 
Statistical Genetics, Single cell data analysis

okamotoJeff Okamoto, MS
Single nuclei RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data analysis

pedro orozcoPedro Orozco del Pino, BS, MS
I study the transferability of European ancestry based polygenetic risk scores to other ancestries.

NPNathaniel Putnam, BS, MS
Mobile health, spatial statistics, survival analysis

Emily RobertsEmily Roberts, B.A., MS 
Causal inference including surrogate endpoint validation for clinical trials and applications in oncology

Stephen SalernoStephen Salerno, BS, MS 
Statistical methodology and its applications to clinical quality measure development, health policy, and global public health.

Fatema Shafie KhorassaniFatema Shafie Khorassani, BS, MPH, MS
Causal inference, data integration, electronic health records, and missing data. Survival and longitudinal data methods in applications related to stroke, health disparities, tobacco use, and cancer. 

NPLulu Shang, BS, MS

Yuming SunYuming Sun, B. Med, MS
Machine learning, Statistical Computing, Semiparametric Model, Survival Analysis

NPNicole Wakim, BS, MS
Clinical trials, Alzheimer's research

NPWenjia Wang, BS, MS
Semiparametric and Joint Modeling of Survival in Cancer Screening Problems

NPJosh Weinstock, B.A., MS
WGS variant calling; Mendelian Randomization; clonal hematopoiesis

NPAndrew Whiteman, BS, MS
Biostatistics; imaging statistics, computational methods

NPJung Yeon Won, BBS, MS
Measurement error models, Data integration, Latent variable model, Built-environment data

wuWenbo Wu, B.A., M.A.
High-dimensional statistics, machine learning and optimization

NPJingyue Xi, BS, MS
Statistical Genetics and Single Cell Analysis

Chang XuChang Xu, BS, MS
Statistical Genetics

Yuliang XuYuliang Xu, MMath, BS

NPPranav Yajnik, BS, MS
Genetic Epidemiology, GWAS

guangyu yangGuangyu Yang, BS, MS
Semiparametric Model; Change-Point Detection

NPTsung-Hung Yao
Non-parametric Bayesian Statistics and Bayesian Network Methodology.

hengshi yu Hengshi Yu, BS, MS
Causal inference and statistical learning. Strong interest in the interplay between stochastic modeling and semi-parametric statistics

Ketian YuKetian Yu, BS, M.S.
Genotype Imputation, Gene Expression Imputation and Meta-Analyses

NPYoufei Yu, B.A., MS
Causal inference approach for censored data and data with multiple treatments.

yqzhaiYuqi Zhai, BS, MS
Design and analysis of sample surveys, Bayesian inference and spatial statistics.

zhang daiweiDaiwei (David) Zhang, BS, MS
Machine learning, statistical computing, statistical genetics, Bayesian methods

zyuhuaYuhua Zhang, MS
Network modeling, Statistical genetics

NPZhangchen Zhao, BS, M.S.
Gene-based tests and efficient resampling methods

NPJiaqiang Zhu, BS, MS
Statistical Genetics, Differential Gene Expression Analysis, Differential Methylation Analysis

NPYongwen Zhuang, BS, M.S.
Statistical methods in genetics, computational statistics, machine learning