For a list of potential faculty awards and nomination deadlines, browse awards.
Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee Earns 2024 Marvin Zelen Leadership Award in Statistical Science from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Dr. Xiang Zhou Earns 2024 Mid-career Biosciences Faculty Achievement Recognition (MBioFAR) Award from the University of Michigan Biosciences Initiative
Dr. Michael Elliott Earns 2024 Monroe G. Sirken Award in Interdisciplinary Survey Methods Research from the American Statistical Association
Nathaniel Osher Earns 2024 Student Paper Award from Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics (SSGG) of the American Statistical Association
Qingzhi Liu Earns 2024 Student Paper Award Honorable Mention from Biopharmaceutical Section of the American Statistical Association
Fatema Shafie Khorassani Earns 2024 Student Paper Award from Lifetime Data Science (LiDS) Section of the American Statistical Association
Chang Wang Earns 2024 Student Paper Award from Biopharmaceutical Section of the American Statistical Association
Yuan Zhong Earns 2024 Student Paper Award from Statistics in Imaging Section of the American Statistical Association
Mengbing Li Earns 2024 Distinguished Student Paper Award from International Biometric Society: Eastern North American Region
Qinmengge Li Earns 2024 Distinguished Student Paper Award from International Biometric Society: Eastern North American Region
Qingzhi Liu Earns 2024 Distinguished Student Paper Award from International Biometric Society: Eastern North American Region
Di Wang Earns 2024 Student Paper Award from ASA Biometrics Section Early Career Paper Award
Lulu Shang Earns 2023-24 ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award from University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School
Di Wang Earns 2024 Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship from University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School
Zheng Li Earns 2024 Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship from University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School
Nelsy Castro-Webb Earns Elizabeth M. Dusseau Scholar from U-M Center for the Education of Women+
Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee Earns Karl E. Peace Award for Outstanding Statistical Contributions for the Betterment of Society
Dr. Jeremy Taylor Earns Samuel S. Wilks Memorial Award
Dr. Lu Wang Named a Fellow of the American Statistical Association
Madeline Abbott Earns Student Poster Award Winner from International Chinese Statistical Association
Liying Chen Earns Student Poster Award (Honorable Mention) from International Chinese Statistical Association
Zikai Lin Earns Student Poster Award Winner from International Chinese Statistical Association
Wenchu Pan Earns Student Poster Award (Honorable Mention) from International Chinese Statistical Association
Soumik Purkayastha Earns Student Most Outstanding Written Paper Award from International Biometic Society: Western North American Region
Soumik Purkayastha Earns Student Most Outstanding Presentation Award (Runner-up) from International Biometic Society: Western North American Region
Mukai Wang Earns Student Poster Award (Honorable Mention) from International Chinese Statistical Association
Leyao Zhang Earns Student Poster Award (Honorable Mention) from International Chinese Statistical Association
Di Wang Earns Distinguished Student Paper Award from International Biometic Society: Eastern North American Region
Nicholas Hartman Earns First Place Winner: APHS/Stata Scholar Award from American Public Health Association: Applied Public Health Statistics Section
Nicholas Hartman Earns Student Paper Award from Joint Statistical Meetings: ASA Health Policy Statistics Section
Jieru Shi Earns Travel Award from 14th International Conference on Health Policy Statistics
Jieru Shi Earns Junior Research Paper Travel Award from American Causal Inference Conference
Yao Song Earns Distinguished Student Paper Award from International Biometic Society: Eastern North American Region
Tsung-Hung Yao Earns Distinguished Student Paper Award from International Biometic Society: Eastern North American Region
Brady Ryan Earns Doctoral Foreign Study Award from Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Soumik Purkayastha Earns Rising Star Award from U-M School of Public Health
Hanna Venera Earns Unsung Hero Award (Honorable Mention) from U-M School of Public Health
Mengbing Li Earns Poster Competition Winner from International Biometic Society: Eastern North American Region
Qinmengge Li Named Poster Competition Winner from International Biometic Society: Eastern North American Region
Soumik Purkayastha Earns Predoctoral Fellowship from U-M Rackham Graduate School
Madeline Abbott Earns Best Oral Presentation Winner from Michigan Student Symposium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Sciences
Jieru Shi Earns Best Oral Presentation (Honorable Mention) from Michigan Student Symposium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Sciences
Kiran Kumar Earns Best Speed Oral Presentation (Honorable Mention) from Michigan Student Symposium for Interdisciplinary Statistical Sciences
Guoxuan Ma Earns Student Paper Award from Joint Statistical Meetings: Statistics in Imaging Section
Qinmengge Li Earns Student Paper Award from Joint Statistical Meetings: ASA Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics
Bangyao Zhao Earns Student Paper Award from Joint Statistical Meetings: Biometrics
Stephen Salerno Earns Student Paper Award from Joint Statistical Meetings
Dr. Michael Boehnke Earns Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentoring Award
Dr. Tom Braun Earns Outstanding Teaching Award from ASA Section on Teaching Statistics to Health Sciences
Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee Elected to the National Academy of Medicine
Dr. Xu Shi Earns Outstanding Statistical Applications Award from ASA
Dr. Peter Song Earns U-M School of Public Health Excellence in Research Award
Dr. Matt Zawistowski Earns U-M School of Public Health Excellence in Teaching Award
Tsung-Hung Yao Earns 2022 Travel Award from the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
Rupam Bhattacharyya Earns 2022 Travel Award from the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
Rupam Bhattacharyya Earns 2022 Student & Early Career Travel Award from the American Statistical Association
Emily Roberts Earns Student Paper Award from the Joint Statistical Meetings, Lifetime Data Science Section of ASA
Dr. Trivellore Raghunathan wins 2022 ASA Monroe Sirken Award
Biostatistics Professor Trivellore Raghunathan has won the 2022 ASA Monroe Sirken
Award. This award recognizes distinguished researchers for contributions to interdisciplinary
survey research that improve the theory and methods of collecting, verifying, processing,
presenting, or analyzing survey data. Dr. Raghunathan will give the Sirken Lecture
at the Joint Statistical Meetings.
Dr. Veera Baladandayuthapani Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Professor Veera Baladandayuthapani has been elected a fellow of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Veera's impactful and innovative research,
dedicated mentoring of doctoral and postdoctoral scholars, visionary leadership of
Cancer Data Science shared resource core have been a tremendous asset for our department
and the institution.
Di Wang receives LiDS 2022 Student Paper Award
PhD Student Di Wang received the LiDS 2022 Student Paper Award from the ASA Lifetime
Data Science Section. This award is for her paper titled: Kullback-Leibler-Based Discrete
Failure Time Models for Integration of Published Prediction Models with New Time-To-Event
Dataset (joint work with Wen Ye, Randall Sung, Hui Jiang, Jeremy Taylor and myself).
Dr. Satwik Acharyya Receives of the 2022 ASA Early Career Paper Award
Dr. Satwik Acharyya, a Biostatistics Postdoctoral Research Fellow, is a recipient
of the 2022 early career paper award from ASA Biometrics section. This award is for
his paper titled: SpaceX: Gene Co-expression Network Estimation for Spatial Transcriptomics.
(joint work with Dr. Xiang Zhou and Dr. Veera Baladandayuthapani)
Yuliang Xu won 2022 ASA Student Paper Award
Yuliang Xu won a 2022 ASA Section on Bayesian Statistical Science (SBSS) student paper
award. This award recognizes her paper entitled “Bayesian Image Mediation Analysis”.
Yuliang will present this paper in 2022 JSM.
Xuemei Ding received a Young Investigator Award by the ASA
Xuemei Ding received a Young Investigator Award by the ASA Section on Statistics in
Epidemiology. The award recognizes her excellent paper entitled "Models and Methods
for Analyzing Clustered Recurrent Hospitalizations in the Presence of COVID-19 Effects".
This paper is based on a joint work with Dr. Jack Kalbfleisch and Dr. Kevin(Zhi) He.
Yibo Wang ASA Student Paper Competition Winner
Yibo Wang is a Student Paper Competition Winner of the ASA Section on Survey Research
Methods. She will be presenting “Sample Size Estimation in Respondent-Driven Sampling”
at the 2022 JSM.
Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee awarded 2022 Sarah Goddard Power Award
Named after the late Regent Sarah Goddard Power, the award recognizes individuals
who have made significant contributions to the betterment of women through their leadership,
scholarship or other ways in their professional life.
Zikai Lin has received an ENAR 2022 Distinguished Student Paper Award
Zikai Lin has received an ENAR 2022 Distinguished Student Paper Award for his paper
entitled “Latent Subgroup Identification in Image-on-scalar Regression”. Zikai is
working on his dissertation with Dr. Yajuan Si Dr. Jian Kang.
Mengtong Hu received an ENAR Distinguished Student Paper
Mengtong Hu received an ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Awards for the ENAR 2022
Spring Meeting. The award recognizes her excellent paper entitled "Collaborative causal
inference with a distributed data-sharing management", based on her first dissertation
paper co-supervised by Xu Shi and Dr. Peter Song.
Four Biostatistics Faculty Receive Promoting Progress in Statistics (ProPS) Awards
- Dr. Tom Braun, professor, for his proposal “Bayesian Methods for Incorporating Patient Preference into Randomized Controlled Trials”
- Dr. Hui Jiang, associate professor, for his proposal “Statistical and Computational Methods for Constrained Variable Selection for Survival Analysis”
- Dr. Wen Ye, research scientist, for her proposal “Variable selections for High Dimensional Survival Data in the Presence of Missing Covariates”
- Dr. Zhi He, research associate professor, for his proposal “Time-dependent Kullback-Leibler discrimination information approach to integrate the local time-to-event data with previously published survival models”
The goals of this funding mechanism are to enhance the validity, accuracy, or efficiency of clinical and translational research; to foster faculty and trainees in developing new statistical methods; and to provide a resource for generating preliminary data as a foundation for external grant applications and publication success.
Jiaqiang Zhu has been awarded a One-Term Dissertation Fellowship
This prestigious fellowship is awarded by the department to an outstanding student
who is actively working on dissertation research and writing.
Biostatistics Professor Xu Shi Awarded a 2021 Precision Health Investigators Award
This awards program aspires to nurture groundbreaking multidisciplinary research projects
that advance the field of precision health through the use and/or enrichment of Precision
Health data, tools, methods, and techniques. Dr. Shi's research is titled “Automated
Harmonization of Multi-institutional Electronic Health Records Data”
Biostatistics Professor Hui Jiang Awarded a 2021 Precision Health Investigators Award
This awards program aspires to nurture groundbreaking multidisciplinary research projects
that advance the field of precision health through the use and/or enrichment of Precision
Health data, tools, methods, and techniques. Dr. Jiang's research is titled “Statistical
and Computational Methods for Asymmetric Integration of Datasets from Different Cancers
for the Identification of Cancer-related Genes and Biomarkers in Case-control Analyses”
Lingxuan Kong Awarded Rackham International Student Fellowship
Lingxuan Kong has been awarded a Rackham International Student Fellowship. Recipients
of this award are chosen for their strong academic record and outstanding academic
and professional promise. Congratulations, Lingxuan!
Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee receives Janet L. Norwood Award
Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee has received the 20th Annual Janet L. Norwood Award for Outstanding
Achievement by a Woman in Statistical Sciences. Given by the University of Alabama
at Birmingham’s Department of Biostatistics, the award recognizes outstanding career
achievement by a woman in the statistical sciences. Congratulations, Dr. Mukherjee!
Theresa Devasia Wins Young Investigator Award
PhD Candidate Theresa Devasia has been awarded 1st Place in the Therapy CoE 2021 Young
Investigator Awards for her abstract "Progression and toxicity following liver Y90
radioembolization: impact of dose metrics, clinical factors, and biomarkers ".
Elizabeth C. Chase Wins Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship
Elizabeth C. Chase, a 4th year PhD student in our department, is the winner of this
year's Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship awarded by the American Statistical Association.
Elizabeth will receive a certificate and an honorarium at this year's Joint Statistical
Dr. Tom Braun Elected as a Fellow of the ASA
Tom Braun has been elected as a fellow of the American Statistical Association. The
award ceremony will take place in JSM 2021. Congratulations, Dr. Braun!
Dr. Jian Kang Elected as a Fellow of the ASA
Congratulations to Dr. Jian Kang, who has been elected as a fellow of the ASA. The
award ceremony will take place in JSM 2021.
Dr. Peter Song Elected to Fellowship in the Institute of Mathematical Statistics
Dr. Peter Song has been elected to Fellowship in the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
IMS Fellowship honors the outstanding research and professional contributions of IMS
members, contributions that help keep IMS in a leading role in the field of statistics
and probability.
Yiwang Zhou Awarded Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
PhD Candidate Yiwang Zhou was awarded a Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship.
STATCOM awarded the 2021 SPH Community Engagement Award
Biostatistics student organization, STATCOM (Statistics in the Community), has been
awarded the 2021 SPH Community Engagement Award. This award is given to a student
organization that has demonstrated, through its actions, the importance of public
health practice and fostering community engagement through service activities, fundraising,
advocacy, or other such activities.
Dr. Roderick Little to Receive 2022 Waksberg Award.
Dr. Roderick Little has been selected to receive the 2022 Waksberg Award. As a recipient
of the Waksberg Award, Dr. Little will receive an honorarium and presents the 2022
Waksberg Invited Address at the Statistics Canada Symposium to be held in the fall
of 2022. The associated paper will be published in a subsequent issue of Survey Methodology.
Emily Roberts Awarded Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship
PhD Candidate Emily Roberts was awarded a Rackham Predoctoral Fellowship.
Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee a 2021 Purdue University Distinguished Woman Scholar
Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee was selected as a 2021 Purdue University Distinguished Woman
Scholar. The award honors alumnae who earned a Purdue doctorate and have made significant
scholarly contributions to their respective academic communities.
Tian Gu Wins JSM Student Paper Award
Tian Gu's paper “An ensemble meta-prediction framework to integrate multiple external
models“ won 1st place in the ASA Biopharmaceutical section student paper competition
for the Joint Statistical Societies Meeting 2021.
Josh Weinstock Awarded Fellowship
Josh Weinstock was awarded the NHLBI BioData Catalyst Fellowship. The NHLBI BioData
Catalyst Fellows Program provides early-career researchers (graduate students, postdocs,
junior faculty, and others) the opportunity to receive funding to help support research
on novel and innovative data science and data-focused research problems.
Nick Hartman Winner of ASA Risk Analysis Student Paper Award
Nick Hartman is a winner of the ASA Risk Analysis Section's Student paper award for
his article entitled "Extending the Concordance Index to Left-Truncated Time to Event
Data". Nick will present the paper at the JSM in August.
Yuming Sun Wins ASA Risk Analysis Student Paper Award
Yuming Sun, a doctoral student supervised by Dr. Jian Kang and Dr. Yi Li, wins a 2021
ASA Risk Analysis Student paper award. His award-winning paper, Individualized Risk
Assessment of Preoperative Opioid Use by Interpretable Neural Network Regression,
"particularly impressed the committee with the fact that in the paper a significant
effort has been made to reduce the gap between the statistical and machine learning
fields." Yuming is expected to present this paper in the 2021 JSM.
Theresa Devasia Received LiDS 2021 Student Paper Award
Theresa Devasia has received the ASA Lifetime Data Science Section 2021 Student Paper
Award for her paper “Efficiency of the Breslow estimator in semiparametric transformation
Wei Hao Received ASA Young Investigator Award
Wei Hao has received a Young Investigator Award by the ASA Section on Statistics in
Epidemiology. This award is given to her paper "A simultaneous likelihood test for
joint mediation effects of multiple mediators".
Wenbo Wu Receives ASA Student Paper Award
Wenbo Wu received the ASA Lifetime Data Science Section 2021 Student Paper Award.
The award recognizes his excellent paper entitled Analysis of Readmissions Data Taking
Account of Competing Risk. This paper is based on a joint work with Jack Kalbfleisch,
PhD, Xu Shi, PhD, Doug Schaubel, PhD and Kevin(Zhi) He, PhD.
Jonathan Boss Receives 2021 ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award
PhD Candidate Jonathan Boss has received an ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award
for his paper entitled Group Inverse-Gamma Gamma Shrinkage for Sparse Regression with
Application to Correlated Environmental Exposure Data. This is work from his first
thesis chapter. Jonathan is working on his dissertation with Jian Kang and Bhramar
Kelly Speth Receives 2021 ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award
PhD Candidate Kelly Speth has received one of the ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Awards. The award recognizes her excellent paper entitled Clustered Q-Learning to Inform the Empirical Construction of an Optimal Clustered Adaptive Intervention. This is her second doctoral dissertation paper, and she will present it at the ENAR 2021 Spring Meeting.
Daiwei Zhang Receives 2021 ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award
PhD Candidate Daiwei (David) Zhang has received a 2021 ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award. The award recognizes his excellent paper entitled Image-on-scalar regression via neural networks. This paper is based on the second project of his dissertation work.
PhD Candidate Rupam Bhattacharyya Joint Winner of Student Paper Competition
Rupam Bhattacharyya was a Joint Winner of Student Paper Competition organized by International
Indian Statistical Association, 2020 (Applications Section). Rupam's paper, titled
Personalized Network Modeling of the Pan-Cancer Patient and Cell Line Interactome,
is available online at this link.
Graduate Student, Yi Zhao, Wins Honorable Mentions in the MIDAS Reproducibility Challenge
A project led by our graduate student, Yi Zhao, has won the honorable mentions in the MIDAS reproducibility challenge. The project, named "quantify and control reproducibility in high-throughput experiments", proposes novel concepts and computational methods to aid evaluate and control replicability in high-throughput biological experiments. A paper summarizing the results of the project will soon appear in the journal Nature Methods. The authors of the paper are Yi Zhao, Matthew Sampson (Harvard/Boston Children's Hospital), and Xiaoquan Wen.
PhD Candidate Emily Roberts Receives SPH Unsung Hero Award
Emily has been awarded the University of Michigan School of Public Health’s Unsung
Hero Award! Emily is recognized for her commitment to student life and her contributions
to the UM SPH community. Thank you for all you do, Emily!
PhD Candidate Holly Hartmen Receives Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship Award
Holly Hartman has been selected as one of 2 winners of the Gertrude M. Cox Scholarship
Award for her outstanding research and efforts bolstering diversity, equity and inclusion!
Congratulations, Holly!
PhD Candidate Lan Luo Received ASA Student Competition Award
Lan Luo's second dissertation paper “Real-time regression analysis of streaming clustered
datasets” has received a Student Competition Award for the ASA's Section on Statistical
Learning and Data Science 2020 (SLDS2020). Well done, Lan!
PhD Candidate Sarah Hanks wins Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service Award
Please join us in congratulating graduate student Sarah Hanks on her successful application
for an NIH F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service
Award. Sarah’s grant, entitled “Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Long-Read
Sequencing Data,” provides Sarah 2 years of support for her doctoral studies. Congratulations,
Ming Tang Received a Young Investigator Award by ASA
Ming Tang has received a Young Investigator Award by the ASA Section on Statistics in Epidemiology! She will present her dissertation paper "Nested Step-adjusted Tree-based Reinforcement Learning (SAT-Learning) for Evaluating Nested Dynamic Treatment Regimes with Test-and-Treat Observational Data", jointly with Professor Lu Wang and professor Jeremy Taylor, at JSM 2020 Philadelphia.
Guangyu Yang Wins ENAR Student Paper Award
Guangyu Yang has won one of the International Biometric Society Eastern North American Region’s (ENAR) Distinguished Student Paper Awards for the 2020 ENAR Spring Meeting in Nashville, TN. The award recognizes her excellent paper entitled Estimation of Knots in Linear Spline Models, which is based on the first chapter of her Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations Guangyu Yang for your excellent and hard work!
PhD Candidate Lu Xia won 2020 ASA Biometrics Section JSM Travel Award
PhD Candidate Lu Xia won a 2020 ASA Biometrics Section JSM Travel Award for her thesis paper, entitled "A revisit to de-biased Lasso for generalized linear models." Lu is going to accept the award and present her work at JSM this summer. Congratulations Lu!
Professor Rod Little wins Marvin Zelen Leadership award
Congratulations to our much admired colleague Professor Rod Little for winning a very
coveted honor in the field, the Marvin Zelen Leadership award. This annual award, supported by colleagues, friends and family, was established
to honor Dr. Marvin Zelen’s long and distinguished career as a statistician and his
major role in shaping the field of biostatistics.
Professor Bhramar Mukherjee wins 2020 L. Adrienne Cupples Award
Professor Bhramar Mukherjee has been selected as the winner of the 2020 L. Adrienne Cupples Award for Excellence in Teaching, Research, and Service in Biostatistics.
The award was created and awarded by the Boston School of Public Health to recognize a biostatistician whose academic achievements reflect the contributions to teaching, research, and service exemplified by Professor L. Adrienne Cupples. Congratulations, Dr. Mukherjee!
Jung Y. Won wins first place in APHA Student Paper Award
Jung Y. Won was awarded first place in the 2019 Student Research Competition at the
American Public Health Association annual meeting in Philadelphia. Each year the Applied
Public Health Statistics section of APHA holds a student research competition to recognize
research contributions of developing student statisticians and biostatisticians. The
award was given for the best student oral presentation among the three finalists. Jung's
title was "Impact of geocoding coarsening in assessing the health impact of the food
environment". Congratulations!
STATCOM members win Best Presentation Award in the Student Data Challenge
Congratulations to STATCOM members Soumik Purakayastha, Lyna Truong, Mukai Wang, Tian
Xie for winning the best presentation award in the MIDAS data challenge for JD Power
Biostatistics OJOC Graduate, Doug Armstrong receives 2019 James T. Neubacher Award
The James T. Neubacher Award recognizes U-M faculty, staff, students or alumni who
demonstrate a commitment to making the campus welcoming and accessible to people of
all abilities. Doug Armstrong is the founder and chief executive officer of North
Star Reach, a nonprofit recreation program and camping site designed to support children
ages 7-17 living with chronic and life-threatening medical conditions. It operates
year-round and is cost-free to campers and their families. Congratulations!
Dr. Lili Zhao and Dr. Yajuan Si awarded Propelling Original Data Science (PODS) Grant.
Yajuan Si and Lili Zhao were awarded the highly competitive institution-wide MIDAS sponsored Propelling Original Data Science (PODS) Grants. Congratulations to both!
Professor Peisong Han named John G Searle Assistant Professor of Biostatistics
Peisong Han has been appointed as a John G Searle Assistant Professor of Biostatistics. The
award recognizes junior faculty who have made tremendous contribution to the department
and to the broader profession through
their scholarship, research, teaching, mentoring and service. Congratulations, Dr.
Professor Jeremy Taylor received Jerome Sacks Award
Professor Jeremy Taylor was awarded the Jerome Sacks Award for Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary
Research. This award recognizes sustained, high-quality cross-disciplinary research
involving the statistical sciences. Congratulations, Dr. Taylor!
Dr. Sarah Gagliano Taliun and Dr. Lauren Beesley Precision Health Scholars Award Recipients
Postdoctoral Research Fellows, Sarah Gagliano Taliun and Lauren Beesley were recipients
of the Precision Health Scholars Award. Dr. Lauren Beesley's topic was "Correcting
Selection Bias and Disease Status Misclassification in Electronic Health Records Research
with Applications to the Michigan Genomics Initiative”. Dr. Sarah Gagliano Taliun's
topic was “Leveraging local genomic ancestry to enhance polygenic risk scores for
schizophrenia in admixed individuals”.
Dr. Veera Baladandayuthapani recipient of 2019 Myrto Lefkopoulou Distinguished Lectureship Award
Professor Veera Baladandayuthapani has been named as the recipient of the 2019 Myrto Lefkopoulou Distinguished Lectureship
award, supported by the Harvard T H Chan School of Public Health. Each year the lectureship
is awarded to a promising statistician who has made contributions to either collaborative
or methodologic research in the applications of statistical methods to biology or
medicine, and/or who has shown excellence in the teaching of biostatistics. This is
a very distinguished honor in our profession. Veera will be presenting his lecture
at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health in September. Congratulations Dr.
Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee named Rogel Scholar
The Rogel Cancer Center has named Dr. Bhramar Mukherjee as an inaugural Rogel Scholar.
The Rogel Scholars program provides a new support mechanism for exceptional faculty
dedicated to achieving impact on cancer prevention, patient outcomes and quality of
life. Congratulations, Dr. Mukherjee!
Nina Zhou received an ASA Biopharmaceutical Scholarship Award.
Nina is one of the 3 recipients from a very competitive field of applicants. The Biopharmaceutical Section Scholarship Award was established in 2018 by the Biopharmaceutical Section of the American Statistical Association to recognize notable research, academic achievement, and applied project work related to biopharmaceutical statistics.
Dr. Yanming Li wins National Comprehensive Cancer Network Young Investigator Award
Dr. Yanming Li's award winning proposal is entitled "Network Genome-Wide Association
Studies for Early Detection of Cancers." The National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Young Investigator Award (NCCN YIA) Program aims to identify and fund young investigators,
who are in the early stages of their careers, with innovative ideas in improving the
quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of care provided to cancer patients. The program
also supports clinical treatment and management (including new diagnostics and molecular
markers), health systems and delivery of care, quality of life for cancer patients,
and patient education. Congratulations, Dr. Yanming Li!
Professor Alexander Tsodikov elected ASA Fellow
Professor Alex Tsodikov will be honored at the award ceremony in JSM on Tuesday, July 30 in Denver. Alex's influential statistical work in risk prediction, cure models, stochastic models with impactful applications in Cancer has added to the many strengths of our department. He has served as an outstanding mentor to our graduate students and as the director of our OJOC program. Congratulations Alex and thanks for all your contribution to Michigan Biostatistics and to the broader profession.
Marco Benedetti wins the 2019 JSM student paper competition
Marco Benedetti won the 2019 JSM student paper competition jointly sponsored by the
ASA Sections on Social Statistics (SSS), Government Statistics Section (GSS) and the
Section on Survey Research Methods (SSRM) with the paper "Accounting for survey design
in Bayesian disaggregation of survey-based areal estimates of proportions", based
on his second dissertation project.
Marco will present the paper at JSM in Denver in a topic-contributed session sponsored
by the three ASA sections. Congratulations!
Candice Ammori wins a Dow Fellowship
Candice Ammori, a first Master's student wins a Dow Fellowship. The Dow Sustainability Fellows Program at the University of Michigan offers support for the development of sustainability leaders in business, government, and non-governmental organizations. The one-year master's program selects 34 exceptional graduate students from a wide range of U-M schools and colleges interested in interdisciplinary and collaborative engagement. Each master's/professional fellow participates in collaborative engagement activities and a substantial interdisciplinary team project. The cohort will begin in January 2019 and conclude in December of the same year.
Yuan Yang, Lili Wang and Lan Luo recipients of an ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Awards for ENAR Spring Meeting 2019
Yuan Yang, a PhD student working with Yi Li and Jian Kang, for her paper entitled "Simultaneous Selection and Inference for Varying Coefficients with Zero Regions: a Soft-thresholding Approach"; Lili Wang, a PhD student working under the supervision of Douglas Schaubel and Kevin He, for her manuscript, "Penalized survival models for the analysis of alternating recurrent event data" and Lan Luo, a PhD student supervised by Peter Song, for her paper entitled "Real-time Regression Analysis of Streaming Health Datasets". Congratulations to all our wonderful students!
Nina Zhou won the Most Interesting Methodological Advances Poster Award
Nina Zhou, a PhD student supervised by Lu Wang, won the Most Interesting Methodological Advances Poster Award at 2018 Michigan Institute for Data Science (MIDAS) Annual Symposium. Congratulations!
Lars Fritsche receives U-M Precision Health Grant Competition 2018 Investigator Award
U-M Precision Health awarded a two-year Investigator Award to Lars Fritsche, PhD, Assistant Research Scientist in Biostatistics to support the development of precision health science, tools, and datasets with up to $300,000. Together with Bhramar Mukherjee, PhD, he plans to utilize genetic and electronic health record data from the Michigan Genomics Initiative (MGI) to enable other researchers to generate new hypotheses and potentially improve disease detection and decision-making on the clinical level.
20 Biostatistics Faculty as ASA Fellows
The Department of Biostatistics has 20 ASA (American Statistical Association) Fellows, 14 of them are Core Biostatistics Faculty, impressive! Congratulations to all fellows and to the Department of Biostatistics.
Recently, Statistics in the Community (STATCOM) student leaders Timothy NeCamp (Statistics), Evan Reynolds (Biostatistics),
Steve Salerno (Biostatistics), and Emily Morris (Biostatistics) traveled to New York
City for the Bloomberg Data 4 Good Exchange. They presented their paper about STATCOM explaining
how sharing statistical expertise with local non-profits can benefit our entire community.
They would like to thank the School of Public Health and the Michigan Institute for
Data Science (MIDAS) for their support of STATCOM. Through this support, STATCOM is
gearing up for a productive fall with several new student-led projects, workshops,
and other volunteer opportunities aiming to benefit local community organizations
through data and statistics.
Professor Mousumi Banerjee recognized with Collegiate Research Professorship
Mousumi Banerjee research professor of biostatistics at the University of Michigan
School of Public Health, has been appointed the Anant M. Kshirsagar Collegiate Professor
by the University of Michigan Office of Research, effective September 1, 2018. The
renewable five-year appointment has been approved by the Board of Regents of the University
of Michigan. The Office of Research established the Collegiate Research Professorship
Award to recognize members of the university's research faculty for significant scholarly
contributions to their field of study. In particular, this honor recognizes Banerjee's
widely recognized work on statistical methodology that have been applied to many important
areas of health care and policy. Congratulations!
Professor Michael Boehnke receives the Precision Medicine World Congress Pioneer Award
Professor Michael Boehnke was awarded with the Precision Medicine World Congress Pioneer award at the Ross School of Business. The PMWC Pioneer Award is given to rare individuals who presaged the advent of personalized medicine when less evolved technology and encouragement from peers existed, but still made major advances in the field. PMWC 2018 recognized Professor Boehnke for pioneering large-scale studies identifying genetic risk in diabetes and Bipolar Disorder. Congratulations to Professor Boehnke who has been an exemplary leader and mentor in the Department of Biostatistics and beyond!
Professor Peter Song elected 2018 ASA Fellow
Professor Peter Song has been elected a fellow of the American Statistical Association. His citation is as follows: "For outstanding scholarly contributions to the theory, methods, and applications in the areas of dependent data, estimating functions, and computational statistics; for significant contributions to collaborative research in medicine and public health; for excellence in teaching and mentoring; and for dedicated service to the profession". Professor Song will be inducted as a new fellow on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at the Vancouver Convention Center during the Joint Statistical Meetings awards ceremony. Congratulations!
STATCOM wins the Student Leadership Professional Organization of the Year Award
STATCOM has won the University of Michigan Student Leadership Professional Organization of the Year award. STATCOM is a student-led organization that provides pro-bono statistical consulting for governmental and non-profit organizations, and is led from the Department of Biostatistics and the Michigan Institute for Data Science. In the 12 years since its founding, Statcom has engaged in over 40 projects for non-profits, and now involves more than 100 students in multiple departments and schools with up to one dozen active projects at any point in time. STATCOM's work has ranged from local health departments, to city governments, to programs for food security and the elderly, and recently has begun to partnered with the Community Technical Assistance Collaborative at the Ginsberg Center to assist public policy students with data analysis. In addition to providing community service, STATCOM provides an excellent opportunity for biostatistics students to practice consulting and data analysis in a real world setting. Special thanks to STATCOM co-presidents Evan Reynolds (biostatistics) and Tim NeCamp (statistics), as well as the rest of the student leadership team ( Ina Conrado, Emily Morris, Stephen Salerno, and Sharanya Chandran), and the faculty co-advisors Michael Elliott and Cathie Spino.
Professor Roderick Little gave the President's Invited Address at ENAR
Professor Roderick Little gave the President's Invited Address at ENAR, entitled "On Statistics, Study Design and Data Science: the Prediction and Modeling Cultures." Congratulations!
Boxian Wei receives a Thomas Chalmers Student Scholarship Winner Award
Boxian Wei, a PhD student in the Department of Biostatistics has been chosen as the Thomas C. Chalmers Student Scholarship Winner from among the three finalists and a $500 USD prize for the best paper and presentation of "A Bayesian Data Analysis in a Small n Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (snSMART)" at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Trials, May 20-23, in Portland, OR. The Thomas C. Chalmers Student Scholarship is in honor of Tom Chalmers, an American physician who played a pivotal role in the development of modern randomized clinical trials and was a founder of the Society for Clinical Trials. Congratulations!
Emily Morris won the 2018 ENAR Poster Award
Emily Morris, a PhD student in the department of Biostatistics, won the 2018 ENAR Poster Award for her work on "SurvBoost: An R package for high-dimensional variable selection in the stratified proportional hazards model via gradient boosting". Congratulations!
Evan Reynolds has been chosen as one of two Student Leaders of the Year for the University
Evan Reynolds, a PhD student in the Department of Biostatistics, in his role at Statcom President, has been chosen as one of two Student Leaders of the Year for the University. STATCOM is a student-led organization that provides pro-bono statistical consulting for governmental and non-profit organizations. Its clients generally do not have the funds to hire a professional consultant, but have information to collect or data to analyze that would help them in making more informed decisions about their operations. Congratulations!
Boxian Wei receives a Thomas C. Chalmers Student Scholarship
Boxian Wei, a PhD student in the Department of Biostatistics has been chosen as one of the three finalists for the Society for Clinical Trials' 2018 Thomas C. Chalmers Student Scholarship. Boxian was awarded funding to present "A Bayesian Data Analysis in a Small n Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (snSMART)" at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical Trials, May 20-23, in Portland, OR, where the winner will be chosen. The Thomas C. Chalmers Student Scholarship is in honor of Tom Chalmers, an American physician who played a pivotal role in the development of modern randomized clinical trials and was a founder of the Society for Clinical Trials. Congratulations!
Emily Hector won the John Van Ryzin Award for best paper
Emily Hector won the John Van Ryzin Award for best paper submitted to the ENAR 2018 Distinguished Student Paper Award Competition. The paper is on "A Distributed and Integrated Method of Moments for High-dimensional Correlated Data Analysis", and was co-authored by her advisor Professor Peter X.-K. Song. Congratulations!
Tian Gu won the second place in the Michigan Datathon
Tian Gu, a PhD student at the Department of Biostatistics and her 3 teammates from UM Engineering and U of Chicago Statistics won the second place in the Michigan Datathon, hosted by Citadel LLC & Citadel Securities in partnership with Correlation One and the UM Department of Statistics on November 4th, 2017. After the 7-hour-long data analyzing competition, their report Importance Factors for Airbnb Customer Review won out of 100 teams. Congratulations!
Professor Roderick Little received the Pearson Prize
Roderick Little received the Karl Pearson Prize, International Statistical Institute (for the book Statistical Analysis with Missing Data, coauthored with Don Rubin). The Karl Pearson Prize recognizes a research contribution that has had profound influence on statistical theory, methodology, practice, or applications. The contribution must be a research article or book published within the last three decades. The prize is given biennially, at the ISI World Statistics Congress (WSC). Congratulations!
Yilun Sun received ENAR Distinguished Paper Award
Yilun Sun, a PhD student in the Department of Biostatistics received an ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award for the 2018 ENAR Spring Meeting in Atlanta, GA. This award recognizes his excellent paper entitled "Multiply Robust Estimation in Nonparametric Regression with Missing Data", which is based on the first chapter of Yilun's doctoral dissertation. Congratulations!
Professor Michael Elliott and Vincent Tan won the Section SPEED poster competition
Professor Michael Elliott and Vincent Tan, a PhD student in the Department of Biostatistics won the Survey Methods Section SPEED poster competition at the 2017 Joint Statistical Meetings. Congratulations!
Yanyi Song receives the award for the best qualifying exam
Yanyi Song received the "Best Performance on the Qualifying Exam" award from the Department of Biostatistics in June, 2017. Congratulations!
Professor Bhramar Mukherjee named 2017 AAAS Fellow
Bhramar Mukherjee the John D. Kalbfleisch Collegiate Professor of Biostatistics, a professor of epidemiology and of global public health at the School of Public Health, and the associate director for cancer control and population sciences at the Comprehensive Cancer Center was named 20017 AAAS fellow for exemplary contributions to Bayesian methodology for the analysis of gene-environment interactions and data generated under case-control and outcome dependent sampling mechanisms.
Professor Roderick Little will receive the Statistician of the Year (SOY) Award
Professor Rod Little will receive the Statistician of the Year (SOY) Award presented by the Chicago Chapter of the American Statistical Association. Dr. Little will be receiving this award on Oct 17th at a dinner banquet in downtown Chicago, for more information
Professor Roderick Little receives the ASA Founders Award
Roderick Little, Professor of Biostatistics received the ASA Founders Award. The ASA Founders Award recognizes members who have rendered distinguished service to the association (American Statistical Association). Congratulations!
Eunjee Lee won first place winner
Eunjee Lee a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Biostatistics won the First Place Winner of ASA Statistics in Imaging Section Student Paper Competition for JSM 2017 for her paper " Bayesian Low-rank Graph Regression Models for Mapping Human Connectome Data", a joint work with Professors Hongtu Zhu and Joseph G. Ibrahim. Congratulations
Wenting Cheng won a JSM award
Wenting Cheng received the ASA Biometrics Section Travel Award (student paper award) related to her thesis for the 2017 JSM meeting. Congratulations!
Yu-Pu (Sophie) Chen ENAR Awards
Sophie Chen won the ENAR 2017 John Van Ryzin Award in addition to the ENAR 2017 Distinguished Student Paper Award. Congratulations!