About the Writing Lab
The School of Public Health Writing Lab services students, alumni, faculty, and staff
in the School of Public Health. All public health students, recent grads, and students
in other schools taking public health classes are eligible to use the lab. Faculty
and staff (including post-docs) are also eligible, time permitting (which is usually
the case). Appointments are typically 30-60 minutes. We offer help on a range of academic
writing tasks -- from course papers, dissertations chapters, and grant proposals to
personal statements, posters, and academic writing samples -- as well as blog entries
and the like.
Kirsten Herold staffs the Writing Lab. She has a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan English Department and has been teaching academic writing since the 1980's. She has worked with students on their writing in English Departments, Writing Centers, and the UM Career Center. Her own experiences with both effective and less effective writing instruction has led to her conviction that, provided with the right tools, any student can master the conventions of academic writing and become proficient at communicating complex scientific ideas.