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Online Learning Hub

Learn about Public Health from Leading Faculty

Everyone should have the opportunity to access quality public health information and education. Whether you are just beginning to learn about public health or seeking opportunities for professional development and continuing education, the University of Michigan School of Public Health's catalogue of online learning experiences will allow you to join in the pursuit of a healthier world for all.

In the ever-growing collection of courses listed here, Michigan Public Health is offering the opportunity for learners to become informed and build skills related to a variety of public health issues and disciplines—and learn directly from our renowned faculty experts.

Courses led by faculty from Michigan Public Health are hosted on several online learning platforms partners including Coursera, Michigan Online, and Canvas. Use the links below to access each course.

University of Michigan students, alumni, faculty, and staff can sign up anytime for free access to many of the Michigan Online/Coursera-hosted courses listed below. Visit Michigan Online for details.

Courses Series Teach-Outs


Massive open online courses (MOOCs) give participants the freedom to learn at their own pace in a short-term, fully online learning experience. Explore a range of public health topics with Michigan Public Health faculty experts in each of the following courses.


Take a deep dive into an area of public health with a series. Series offer greater context and related learning around a given public health topic by providing a collection of courses intended to be taken together to allow you to grow your knowledge and skills.


Teach-Outs are free and open online learning events where participants hear from diverse experts, discuss and connect with other participants, and consider potential action we can take in our own communities. Teach-Outs are synchronous courses, usually occurring live over a two-week period, but learners can view recordings of past Teach-Out sessions at any time.

Looking for more?

Consider earning an advanced degree in public health online. Michigan Public Health offers two, master's degree options for working professionals and distance learners. 

We're glad to inform you that several of the open courses offered above contain lessons directly featured in our Population and Health Sciences (Online MPH), in addition, we also have an open course series which can serve as a primer for the Executive Master's program in Health Management and policy curriculum. These MOOCs can offer a jumpstart on your degree progress and can help you decide whether an online degree program is the right fit for you.

Our online degree offerings allow learners to benefit from a University of Michigan education and our world class public health faculty from wherever they are located.

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