PHSA Activities

PHSA Major Events

  1. SPH Undergraduate-Graduate Mentorship Program: Facilitates an energizing mentor/mentee relationship between graduate students and undergraduate students in Michigan SPH.  This program aims to contribute to students’ personal and professional growth through one-on-one mentorship relationships and relevant career development events that will cultivate community across the undergraduate and graduate student populations of SPH.
  2. SPH Winter Formal: The annual SPH Formal features a dance floor with a live DJ, catered food, and lots of dancing!

Past Activities

  1. Advocacy Efforts: Helped promote the permanent removal of the GRE from the SPH admissions process. Provided requests and strategies for academic accommodations.
  2. Comfort Kits
  3. SPH Apparel Sale
  4. Social Hour
  5. First-Year Time Capsule
  6. Virtual Vision/Mood Board
  7. Costume Contest
  8. Host Blood Drives

Do you have ideas or suggestions for service topics and events? Email PHSA at or use our contact form