Workshop for Integrating and Discussing Topics in Healthcare

WIDTH is an interdisciplinary forum for doctoral students to discuss their dissertation topics, research ideas, and results with other graduate students, faculty, and staff who have similar interests in health services and policy research but belong to different cognates or departments. WIDTH participants will gain insight into a variety of research methods and theoretical approaches, which could potentially stimulate ideas about how to integrate similar techniques or concepts with their own research. In addition, WIDTH offers professional development workshops for doctoral students and candidates in the health services and policy research field. 

Members of the WIDTH community are asked to provide constructive feedback that is rooted in respect for their colleagues and does not compromise WIDTH's intent to be a welcoming and inclusive space for all of its participants.

We would like to thank the Rackham Graduate School for generously funding WIDTH through its program for interdisciplinary workshops.

Meet the 2024-25 WIDTH Organizers

  • Katherine (Katie) Cooney, Doctoral Student in the Health Services Organization & Policy Program, Political Science Cognate
  • Neeti Kulkarni, Doctoral Student in the Health Services Organization & Policy Program, Operations Research/Decision Science Cognate
  • Morgan Perry, Doctoral Candidate in the Health Services Organization & Policy Program, Sociology/Organizational Studies Cognate
  • Edward Norton, Professor in the Department of Health Management & Policy

Contact Us

If you are interested in presenting at WIDTH, would like to make a suggestion, or have a question about WIDTH, please contact the WIDTH committee at widthorganizers@umich.edu

If you are interested in receiving future email communication about upcoming WIDTH events, please join our email listserv by contacting HSOP.WIDTH-requests@umich.edu

If you would like to submit a question for an upcoming WIDTH speaker, please fill out this form online. Note: Depending on when your question is submitted, the WIDTH organizers may ask the question on your behalf during the Q&A part of the session or send the question to the speaker after the session concludes. 

Upcoming WIDTH Speakers and Workshops (Winter 2025)

 January 9th 

  • Presenters: WIDTH Committee (Morgan Perry, Neeti Kulkarni, and Katie Cooney)
  • Title: Welcome back to WIDTH Luncheon

January 13th

  • Presenters: TBD
  • Title: Special DEI session on microargressions 

January 24th

  • Special joint session with CHOP (Center for Healthcare Outcomes & Policy)

January 30th 

  • Presenter: Dr. Edward Norton
  • Title: Funding session

February 6th

  • Presenter: Dr. John Catalano
  • Title: New HSOP Faculty Series

February 13th

  • Presenter: Dr. Lisa Prosser
  • Title: Negotiating on the Market

February 20th

  • Presenter: Owen Fleming, PhD Candidate at Wayne State University
  • Title: The Effect of Federally Qualified Health Centers on Childhood Utilization of Preventive Care

Past WIDTH Speakers and Workshops

September 9th 

  • Presenters: WIDTH Committee (Morgan Perry, Neeti Kulkarni, and Dr. Edward Norton)
  • Title: Welcome to WIDTH Luncheon & Lightning Introductions

September 16th

  • Presenters: Dr. Michael Shepherd
  • Title: Declining Rural Health: What Do Politics Have to Do With It?

September 23d

  • Presenters:
    • Christopher Cadham, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: OR/DS)
    • Neeti Kulkarni, PhD Student in HSOP (Cognate: OR/DS)
  • Title: Turning Class Projects into Publishable Material 

September 30th 

  • Presenter: Dr. Micah Aaron
  • Title: New HSOP Faculty Series

October 7th

  • Presenter: Emma Willoughby, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
  • Title: Practice Job Talk Series

October 21st

  • Presenter: Rachel Kulikoff, PhD Student in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
  • Title: Updates on our Graduate Students Union (GEO)

October 28th

  • Presenter: Sarah El-Azab, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies)
  • Title: Practice Job Talk Series

November 4th

  • Presenter: Amy Jiao, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
  • Title: Practice Job Talk Series

November 11th

  • Presenter: James Huỳnh
  • Title: New HSOP Faculty Series

November 18th

  • Presenter: Christopher Cadham, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Operations Research/Decision Science)
  • Title: Practice Job Talk Series

November 25th

  • Presenters:
    • Morgan Perry, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies)
    • David Wehrly, PhD Student in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
  • Title: HMP 835 Presentation Series

December 9th

  • Presenters: 
    • Sujatha Changolkar, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
    • Rachel Kulikoff, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
  • Title: HMP 835 Presentation Series


January 11th  

  • Presenter: Emily Lawton, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
  • Title: Evaluating Effects of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program Incentives on Hospital, Medicare, and Patient Outcomes

January 25th

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (Roslyn Murray, Christopher Cadham, and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Anti-Racism in HSOP Core Curriculum

February 1st

  • Presenters:
    • Kaitlin Taylor, Doctoral and Executive Master's Programs Coordinator, Department of Health Management and Policy
    • Brenda Bernhardsson, Business Administrator Lead, Department of Health Management and Policy
    • Dr. Edward Norton, Director of HSOP
    • Anu Warrier, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
    • Sarah El-Azab, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology)
  • Title: All Things Funding

February 8th 

  • Presenter: Sarah Rozenblum, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
  • Title: Why Do Governments Ignore Their Own Advice? The Role of Scientific Advice in COVID-19 Vaccine Policy.

February 15th

  • Presenter: Kimson Johnson, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies)
  • Title: Early Life Adversity and Cognitive Status in Middle and Late Adulthood: Implications for Preventative Services Across the Lifecourse 

February 22nd

  • Presenters: CRLT Players at the University of Michigan
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: CRLT Players Present “You Don't Belong Here”

March 8th

  • Presenter: Dr. April Zeoli
  • Title: New HSOP Faculty Series

March 15th

  • Presenters: HSOP Alumni
    • Dr. Joel Segel (Cognate: Economics; Associate Professor, Pennsylvania State University)
    • Dr. Minakshi Raj (Cognate: Organizational Studies/Sociology; Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)
    • Dr. Edward Miller (Cognate: Political Science; Professor and Chair, University of Massachusetts Boston, and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Aging & Social Policy)
    • Dr. Anton Avanceña (Cognate: Decision Science; Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin)
    • Dr. Sayeh Nikpay (Cognate: Economics; Associate Professor, University of Minnesota)
    • Dr. Christy Harris Lemak (Cognate: Organizational Studies; Professor and former Chair, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Deputy Director, Institute for Biomedical Innovation at the University of Alabama)
    • Dr. Jason Turner (Cognate: Finance; Professor, Rush University)
  • Title: HSOP Alumni Panel: Careers in Academia

March 22nd

  • Presenters:
    • Dr. Melissa Creary, Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
    • Dr. Paul Fleming, Assistant Professor of Health Behavior & Health Equity
    • Dr. Whitney Peoples, Inaugural Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at the School of Public Health
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Anti-Racist Pedagogy

March 29th

  • Presenters: HSOP Alumni
  • Title: HSOP Alumni Panel: Career Opportunities Outside Academia

April 5th

  • Presenter: Kasia (Katarzyna) Klasa, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
  • Title: Governing in Crisis: Inter-Agency Coordination, Federalism, and the Role of Governors in United States Disaster Response

April 12th

  • Presenter: Emily Arntson, MD/PhD Student in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
  • Title: The Effect of Differences in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Purchasing Power on Health in Older Adults


September 7th 

  • Presenters: WIDTH Committee (Anu Warrier, Amy Jiao, Ariella Hoffman-Peterson, and Dr. Edward Norton)
  • Title: Welcome to WIDTH Luncheon & Lightning Introductions

September 14th

  • Presenter: Director of HSOP and the HSOP Committee
  • Title: HSOP PhD and Program Expectations

September 21st

  • Presenter: Susan Parker, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
  • Title: Effects of Permitless Handgun Carrying Policies on Crime and Injury

September 28th

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (Roslyn Murray, Christopher Cadham, and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Expectation Setting and Guests in the House

October 12th

  • Presenters:
    • Anu Warrier, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
    • Christopher Cadham, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: ORDS)
    • Roslyn Murray, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
    • Janamarie Perroud, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: ORDS)
    • Karalyn Kiessling, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
    • Paige Nong, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies)
  • Title: HSOP Student Panel: PhD Candidates' Experiences in Y3 and Beyond    

October 14th

  • Presenter: Dr. Shukri Dualeh, Center for Healthcare Outcomes & Policy (CHOP) Fellow, General Surgery Resident, Michigan Medicine
  • Title: CHOP/WIDTH: Impact of Insurance Status on Clinical Outcomes for Access-Sensitive Surgical Conditions
  • Presenter: Mitch Mead, BSA, Center for Healthcare Outcomes & Policy (CHOP), Department of Surgery, Michigan Medicine
  • Title: CHOP/WIDTH: Hospital Room Design and Mortality After High Risk Surgery

October 19th

  • Presenters: CRLT Players at the University of Michigan
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: CRLT Players Present “Conflict in the Classroom”

November 2nd

  • Presenter: Karalyn Kiessling, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
  • Title: Tobacco Control Politics

November 9th

  • Presenter: Ellen Kim DeLuca, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: ORDS)
  • Title: Deriving a Health State Classification System to Measure Health Utilities for Pediatric Populations Based on the PedsQL

November 16th

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (Roslyn Murray, Christopher Cadham, and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Anti-Racist Approaches in HSOP Cognate Areas

December 7th

  • Presenters:
    • Sarah El-Azab, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology) 
    • Rachel Kulikoff, PhD Student in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
  • Title: GEO Informational Session

January 12th 

  • Presenter: Dr. Denise Anthony, Chair, Department of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: Ask Me Anything

February 9th

  • Presenter: Anton Avanceña, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: ORDS)
  • Title: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Health: Applications for Alcohol Policy

February 16th

  • Presenter: N’dea Moore-Petinak, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
  • Title: CHIP Policy Flexibility in Nebraska, Maryland, & Washington

February 23rd

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (Sarah El-Azab, Anjelica Gangaram, and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Race & Racism in Health Services Research

March 9th

  • Presenter: Grace Chung, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: ORDS)
  • Title: Association Between State COVID-19 Vaccine Policies for Healthcare Workers and Hospital Occupancy in the US

March 16th

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (Sarah El-Azab, Anjelica Gangaram, and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Inclusive Research Teams

March 23rd

  • Presenter: Dr. Sarah Miller, Assistant Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy, Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan 
  • Title: Maternal and Infant Health Inequality: New Evidence from Linked Administrative Data (with Kate Moulton, Maya Rossin-Slater, Petra Persson, Laura Wherry, and Gloria Aldana)

March 30th

  • Presenter: Susan Parker, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
  • Title: The Effects of Adopting Permissive Handgun Concealed Carry Policies (2002-2018)

April 13th

  • Presenters: 
    • Dr. Ethriam Brammer, Assistant Dean and DEI Lead at Rackham Graduate School
    • Katy Martinez, Graduate Student and Staff Member at Rackham Graduate School
    • Ash Stroessler, Graduate Student and Staff Member at Rackham Graduate School
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Rackham DEI Climate Toolkit 

September 8th 

  • Presenters: HSOP Leadership and the WIDTH Committee
  • Title: Welcome Luncheon

September 15th

  • Presenters: HSOP Leadership
  • Title: HSOP Program and PhD Expectations

September 22nd

  • Presenter: Christopher Cadham, PhD Student in HSOP (Cognate: ORDS)
  • Title: From HMP802 to Publication: Review of Expert Elicitation for Computational Modeling

September 29th

  • Presenters: HSOP Faculty 
    • Dr. Thuy Nguyen, Research Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
    • Dr. Rahul Ladhania, Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
    • Dr. Shawna Smith, Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: How to Code and Manage Your Data (Panel Session)

October 6th

  • Presenters: Dr. Denise Anthony, Chair, Department of Health Management and Policy 
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Mentorship in Academia

October 13th

  • Presenter: Dr. Melissa Creary, Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: Bounded Justice

October 20th

  • Presenters: IHPI and CHOP Leadership
    • Dr. John Ayanian, IHPI Director
    • Dr. Jennifer Waljee, IHPI Institute Leadership Team and Director of CHOP
    • Dr. Andrew Ryan, Co-Director of CHOP and Director of IHPI’s Data & Methods Hub, Director of HSOP
  • Title: Collaborating Across Campus: IHPI and CHOP Highlight

October 27th

  • Presenters: HMP Administration
    • Kaitlin Taylor, Doctoral and Executive Master's Programs Coordinator, Department of Health Management and Policy
    • Brenda Bernhardsson, Business Administrator Lead, Department of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: All Things Funding

November 3rd

  • Presenters:  Authors of Coronavirus Politics
    • Dr. Holly Jarman, Associate Professor of Health Management and Policy 
    • Dr. Phillip Singer, HSOP Alum (Cognate: Political Science); Assistant Professor of Political Science, University of Utah
    • Dr. Michelle Falkenbach, HSOP Alumna (Cognate: Political Science); Postdoctoral Associate, Department of Public & Ecosystem Health, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
    • N’dea Moore-Petinak, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
    • Dr. Charley Willison, HSOP Alumna (Cognate: Political Science); Assistant Professor of Public & Ecosystem Health, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
    • Dr. Minakshi Raj, HSOP Alumna (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies); Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Community Health, College of Applied Health Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    • Rebecca Shoke Yen Wai, PhD Candidate in Political Science, University of Michigan 
  • Title: Experiences Working on the Coronavirus Politics Book Project

November 10th

  • Presenters: HSOP Alumni
    • Dr. Jason Turner (Cognate: Finance; Professor, Department of Health Systems Management, College of Health Sciences at Rush University)
    • Dr. Kevin Frick (Cognate: Economics; Professor, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School)
    • Dr. William T. Story (Cognate: Sociology; Associate Professor, Department of Community and Behavioral Health, University of Iowa)
    • Dr. Dori Cross (Cognate: Organizational Studies; Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota School of Public Health)
    • Dr. Jason Gibbons (Cognate: Economics; Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Health Policy & Management, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health)
    • Dr. Larry Hearld (Cognate: Organizational Studies; Associate Professor, Health Services Administration, School of Health Professions, University of Alabama at Birmingham)
    • Dr. Sunny Lin (Cognate: Interdisciplinary, Organizational Studies/Complex Systems; Assistant Professor, Health Management & Policy, Oregon Health & Science University and Portland State University School of Public Health)
  • Title: HSOP Alumni Panel: Careers in Academia

November 17th

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (Sarah El-Azab, Anjelica Gangaram, and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: First Generation Student Experiences in Academia & Allyship

December 1st

  • Presenter: Emma Willoughby, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
  • Title: Are Wet Markets Harbingers of Pandemics? A Scoping Review (with Min Hyun Maeng and Scott L. Greer)

December 8th

  • Presenters: HSOP Alumni
    • Dr. Genna Cohen (Cognate: Organizational Studies; Researcher at Mathematica)
    • Dr. Chien-Chia Chuang (Cognate: Economics; Researcher, Sanofi Genzyme)
    • Dr. Betsy Cliff (Cognate: Economics; Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health)
    • Dr. Jenefer (Willem) Jedele (Cognate: Economics; Acting Deputy Director, Veterans Health Administration)
    • Dr. John McCarthy (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies; Director, Suicide Prevention Program at the Department of Veterans Affairs; Research Associate Professor, University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry)
    • Dr. Michael Harvey (Cognate: ORDS; Associate, Analysis Group [UK consulting group])
  • Title: HSOP Alumni Panel: Career Opportunities Outside Academia

January 28th

  • Presenter: Grace Chung, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: ORDS)
  • Title: Comparative Effectiveness of Alternative Bridging Therapies for Patients with Left Ventricular Assist Devices

February 5th

  • Presenter: HMP DEI Committee (N’dea Moore-Petinak, Paige Nong, and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Moving Beyond Allyship

February 11th

  • Presenter: Dr. Shawna Smith, Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: Skills, strategy, both, neither? Preliminary results from the Adaptive School-based Implementation of CBT (ASIC) implementation trial (with Seoyoun Choi, Amy Rusch, and Anna Lane)

February 18th

  • Presenter: Dr. HwaJung Choi, Research Assistant Professor, Division of General Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Michigan Medicine
  • Title: Care Resources and Care Utilization Among Adults with Dementia: Overall Patterns and Racial/Ethnic Differences

February 25th

  • Presenter: Destiny Cook, Public Relations Specialist, University of Michigan School of Public Health
  • Title: Interacting with the Media to Disseminate Research

March 11th

  • Presenter: Bradley Iott, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies) and Information Science
  • Title: Social Determinants of Health Screening Implementation: A Multi-Method Investigation to Bridge Clinic and Community to Improve Healthcare Outcomes

March 25th

  • Presenters: HMP Administration 
    • Kaitlin Taylor, Doctoral and Executive Master's Programs Coordinator, Department of Health Management and Policy
    • Brenda Bernhardsson, Business Administrator Lead, Department of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: HMP Student Funding

March 26th

  • Presenter: Adam Markovitz, MD/PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics); CHOP fellow
  • Title: CHOP/WIDTH Session: Double Bonuses for Quality Incentives in Medicare Advantage: Probably Not a Good Idea

April 2nd

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (N’dea Moore-Petinak, Paige Nong, and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Teaching for Accessibility

April 8th

  • Presenter: Dr. Kao-Ping Chua, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Michigan Medicine 
  • Title: Measuring and Improving the Quality of U.S. Opioid Prescribing

April 22nd

  • Presenter: Tran Doan, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: ORDS) 
  • Title: Universal Routine Depression Screening for US Adolescents in Primary Care: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

September 3rd 

  • Presenter: Kara Gavin, Research and Policy Media Relations Manager, IHPI
  • Title: How to Communicate Your Personal Brand and Communicate Your Work

September 17th

  • Presenter: Dr. Thuy Nguyen, Research Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: Stata Coding Bootcamp

September 24th

  • Presenter: Dr. Tammy Toscos, Adjunct Faculty in Health Management and Policy
  • Title: Social Determinants of Health Screening Implementation: Bridging Clinic and Community to Improve Healthcare Outcomes (with Dr. Tiffany Veinot and Bradley Iott)

October 2nd

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (N’dea Moore-Petinak, Paige Nong, and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Building Inclusive Communities

October 8th

  • Presenter: Joy Pehlke, Health Educator and Wellness Coach, Wolverine Wellness, University Health Service
  • Title: Improving Well-Being in Your Department During the Pandemic

October 15th

  • Presenter: Jason Gibbons, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
  • Title: Did Reckitt Ralph on the Medication Assisted Treatment Market? The Effect of the Suboxone Product Hop on Adverse Opioid Events

October 22nd

  • Presenter: Giacomo Meille, PhD Candidate in Business Economics, Ross Business School
  • Title: Can Urgent Care Centers Improve Access to Care and Reduce Spending?

October 29th

  • Presenter: Dr. Rahul Ladhania, Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: Optimizing Personalized Treatment Rules in Complex Settings

November 5th

  • Presenter: Dr. Thuy Nguyen, Research Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: Today's Lesson is Tomorrow's Practice: Early Exposure to State Restrictive Marketing Policies in Medical Schools Encourages Physicians to Resist Receiving Pharmaceutical Gifts

November 12th

  • Presenters:
    • Dr. Scott Greer, Professor of Health Management and Policy
    • Sarah Rozenblum, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
  • Title: Quo Vadis Public Health: The Rise and Crisis of a Professional Project in France and the United States

November 13th

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (N’dea Moore-Petinak, Paige Nong, and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Allyship

November 19th

  • Presenter: Dr. Elisa Maffioli
  • Title: Are Behavioral Change Interventions Needed to Make Cash Transfer Programs Work for Children? Experimental Evidence from Myanmar

December 4th

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (N’dea Moore-Petinak, Paige Nong, and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Allyship II

December 10th

  • Presenter: Huey-Fen Chen, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: ORDS)
  • Title: The Costs and Health Outcomes of Newborn Screening and Treatment of Spinal Muscular Atrophy

 January 16th

  • Presenter: Dr. Shooshan Danagoulian, Assistant Professor of Economics, Wayne State University
  • Title: Research-in-Progress 

January 23rd

  • Presenter: Dr. Neil Mehta, Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: Research-in-Progress 

January 31st

  • Presenter: Ellen Kim DeLuca, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: ORDS)
  • Title: CHOP/WIDTH: Research-in-Progress

February 6th

  • Presenter: Dr. Nora Maloy, Adjunct Clinical Instructor, Department of Global Reach, Michigan Medicine 
  • Title: Research-in-Progress 

February 7th

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (Minakshi Raj, Anton Avanceña, Dr. Daniel Eisenberg,and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Job Interviews and DEI

February 13th

  • Presenter: Dr. Jeffrey McCullough, Associate Professor of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: Introduction to Machine Learning in R

February 20th

  • Presenter: Dr. Elisa Maffioli, Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: Research-in-Progress 

February 27th

  • Presenters: 
    • Jun Li, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
    • Minakshi Raj, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies)
    • Karalyn Kiessling, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Political Science)
    • Dr. Cathleen Connell, Professor of Health Behavior and Health Equity
  • Title: How to Conference (Student & Faculty Panel Session)

March 19th

  • Presenters: 
    • Bradley Iott, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies) and Information Science
    • Beth Hill, Student Affairs Program Manager, Learning Health Sciences
    • Dr. HwaJung Choi, Research Assistant Professor, Division of General Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Michigan Medicine
  • Title: Research-in-Progress 

March 26th

  • Presenter: Jason Gibbons, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
  • Title: Research-in-Progress 

April 2nd

  • Presenters: 
    • Jun Li, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
    • Minakshi Raj, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies)
    • Brady Post, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics) 
  • Title: Going on the Job Market (Student Panel Session)

April 10th

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (Minakshi Raj, Anton Avanceña, Dr. Daniel Eisenberg,and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Work-Life Balance

April 17th

  • Presenter: CHOP Researchers
  • Title: CHOP/WIDTH: COVID-19 Journal Club

April 24th

  • Presenter: Dr. Craig Brown, CHOP Fellow; General Surgery Resident at Michigan Medicine
  • Title: CHOP/WIDTH: Research-in-Progress 

September 6th 

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (Minakshi Raj, Anton Avanceña, Dr. Daniel Eisenberg,and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Introduction to DEI Sessions and
  • Presenters: HSOP PhD Students & HMP Faculty
  • Title: Lightning Research Presentations

September 12th

  • Presenter: Leah Abrams
  • Title: GEO Negotiations
  • Presenter: Dr. Andrew Ryan and Dr. Jeffrey McCullough
  • Title: Coding Boot Camp

September 19th

  • Presenter: Dr. Debbie Freund, University of Michigan Alumna (PhD in Economics)
  • Title: Path After the PhD

September 26th

  • Presenter: Jordan Rhodes, PhD Candidate in Business Economics, Ross Business School
  • Title: Private Insurers and Opioid Prescribing 

October 4th

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (Minakshi Raj, Anton Avanceña, Dr. Daniel Eisenberg,and Dr. Denise Anthony) 
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Building Your Mentoring Network (for Mentees & Mentors)

October 10th

  • Presenter: Emily Arntson, MD/PhD Student in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
  • Title: Research-in-Progress

October 17th

  • Presenter: Brady Post, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
  • Title: Job Market Paper

October 24th

  • Presenter: Jun Li, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Economics)
  • Title: Job Market Paper

October 31st

  • Presenter: Minakshi Raj, PhD Candidate in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies)
  • Title: Perceived Value of Geriatric Care

November 7th

  • Presenter: Dr. David Hutton, Associate Professor of Health Management and Policy
  • Title: Research-in-Progress

November 15th

  • Presenters: CRLT Players and the HMP DEI Committee (Minakshi Raj, Anton Avanceña, Dr. Daniel Eisenberg,and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Inclusive Teaching Practices: Syllabus Review

November 21st

  • Presenter: Dr. Christy Pu, Visiting Professor, University of Michigan School of Public Health
  • Title: Research-in-Progress

December 6th

  • Presenters: HMP DEI Committee (Minakshi Raj, Anton Avanceña, Dr. Daniel Eisenberg,and Dr. Denise Anthony)
  • Title: DEI/WIDTH: Teamwork & DEI

December 12th

  • Presenters: 
    • Grace Chung, PhD Student in HSOP (Cognate: ORDS)
    • Maria Carabello, PhD Student in HSOP (Cognate: Sociology/Organizational Studies) and Sociology
  • Title: Research-in-Progress