Griffith Leadership Center Symposium
Welcome Reception
Thursday, September 26GLC Symposium
Friday, September 27Tailgate
Saturday, September 28
Over 300 students, faculty, and health care leaders met over the course of the 3-day events. On Thursday, a complimentary welcome reception was hosted for all attendees. On Friday, a full day of captivating speakers discussed innovation across multiple themes. Finally, we again met together for a fun Tailgate on Saturday prior to the UM vs. Rutgers game.

- 2019 GLC Biennial Symposium Program Cover

- Debbie Chang, incoming GLC Chair and GLC Executive Director, Cathy Killaly welcome all to the Alumni Reception

- Debbie thanks outgoing GLC Chair, Wayne Lerner, for his leadership

- A celebratory toast to Wayne Lerner, outgoing GLC Chair

- John Griffith and Wayne Lerner


- Incoming GLC Chair, Debbie Chang, welcomes all to the 2019 Biennial Symposium

- Incoming GLC Chair, Debbie Chang, thanks Wayne Lerner who completed his chairmanship of the GLC Board this year

- Wayne Lerner acknowledges our appreciation of his leadership as the outgoing GLC Chair

- Gerry Meklaus, Managing Director for Accenture, introduces Kaveh Safavi, Senior Managing Director, Head of Global Health Practice, Accenture

- Kaveh Safavi, Senior Managing Director, Head of Global Health Practice, Accenture kicks off the day in discussing how we can make healthcare more productive and personalized

- GLC Advisory Board Member, Sarah Crymes participates in the Q and A session

- Dr. James Marks, Retired Executive VP of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation asks a question of Dr. Safavi

- Michael Rubyan, Clinical Assistant Professor of Health Management and Policy introduces Emmarie Huetteman, Correspondent for Kaiser Health News

- Emmarie Huetteman, Correspondent for Kaiser Health News presents disruption - the scariest word in Washington

- Emmarie Huetteman, Correspondent for Kaiser Health News captured the attention of the audience with thrilling stories from Washington

- HMP alum and VP of Provider Strategy and Solutions for AIM Specialty Health introduces Marty Makary, New York Times Bestselling Author and Surgeon and Professor of Health Policy at John Hopkins

- Marty Makary, New York Times Bestselling Author and Surgeon and Professor of Health Policy at John Hopkins discusses the grassroots movement to redesign healthcare - cutting through the money games and restoring medicine to its mission

- Marty Makary, New York Times Bestselling Author and Surgeon and Professor of Health Policy at John Hopkins signs copies of his newest release The Price We Pay

- HMP students and alumni network during the morning break

- Michael Lanham presents one of our emerging themes for the day - Technology

- GLC Executive Director, Cathy Killaly, introduces Rick Jelinek, Executive Vice President for CVS Health and Aetna

- Rick Jelinek, Executive Vice President for CVS Health and Aetna discusses how CVS Health and Aetna is transforming the consumer retail experience in healthcare

- Richard Hirth, Professor, Health Management and Policy, introduces Rose Marie Martinez, Senior Board Member, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Director, Board on Population Health, Institute of Medicine

- Rose Marie Martinez, Senior Board Member, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Director, Board on Population Health, Institute of Medicine presenting on AI and Population Health

- Lisa Cerbone Montalto, Wealth Management Advisor, Senior Vice President for Bank of America Merrill Lynch introduces Paula Lantz, Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Policy Engagement at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan

- Paula Lantz, Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Policy Engagement at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan discussed the promises and challenges when addressing patient social needs

- Attendees network during the lunch break

- HMP students looking over the list of attendees

- HMP student, Niveen Elder, introduces breakout speaker Ellen Lukens, Division Director, Specialty Payment Models at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation

- Ellen Lukens, Division Director, Specialty Payment Models at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation talks about innovation at CMMI - past and future

- Attendees participate in the virtual discussion of social determinants and innovation - what is actually happening? led by Nicole Dickelson Cooper, Vice President, Social Responsibility for UnitedHealthcare

- Heather Wall, Chief Commercial Officer for Civica talks about Civica Rx - Disruptive innovation to address the drug shortage crisis

- David Green, Co-Founder and Executive Director, Alina Vision. Co-Founder: LegWorks, Inc., Deutsche Bank Eye Fund, Sound World Solutions, and Aurolab presents on Price Competition as a tool for equitable health care

- Jonas Goldstein, Health Care Strategy and Solutions expert for Quicken Loans speaks on employers as activists - opportunities and challenges

- HMP student Niveen Elder introduces Bank of America Merrill Lynch presenters Lisa Cerbone Montalto, Wealth Management Advisor, Senior Vice President and Laura Grogan-O’Mara, Director, Retirement & Personal Wealth Solutions who discuss financial wellness

- HMP alums catch up with each other between sessions

- Dr. Joneigh Khaldun Chief Medical Executive/Chief Deputy for Health, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Attending Staff Physician, Emergency Medicine at Henry Ford Health System presents the closing session on strategies for collaborative leadership in healthcare

- Dr. Joneigh Khaldun Chief Medical Executive/Chief Deputy for Health, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Attending Staff Physician, Emergency Medicine at Henry Ford Health System

- L to R: Shoou-Yih Lee, Faculty lead for the GLC and Professor in HMP, Wayne Lerner, outgoing GLC Chair, Debbie Chang, incoming GLC Chair, and Rich Hirth, Professor in HMP

- HMP alums meeting up again

- HMP first year students