Health Behavior and Health Equity

Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud and Dearborn Public Health Director Ali Abazeed

A passion for Dearborn

Michigan Public Health alumni lead with a public health perspective

University of Michigan School of Public Health alumni Abdullah Hammoud and Ali Abazeed are leading their hometown of Dearborn, Michigan, with a public-health-in-all-policies approach. Hammoud, an epidemiologist, is the mayor, and Abazeed is the founding director of the inaugural Department of Public Health.

Oksana Fedorak in a field of sunflowers

Turning to public health in a crisis

Graduate student Oksana Fedorak works to prevent human trafficking in Ukraine

Traditionally, the sunflower is emblematic to Ukraine—but it signifies so much more to the Ukrainian people, and especially Oksana Fedorak. “Our national flower is the sunflower—it means a lot to us and me personally,” said Fedorak, a Master of Public Health student in Health Behavior and Health Education at the University of Michigan School of Public Health.

Susan Ringler-Cerniglia, MPH ’04, University of Michigan School of Public Health

Keeping Local Public Health at the Table

Susan Ringler-Cerniglia, MPH ’04

From regional outbreaks to global pandemics, local public health experts respond regularly to public health crises. Susan Ringler-Cerniglia, MPH ’04, says the current pandemic has clarified the need for ongoing investment in public health.

A young person flies a transgender flag

Transgender Young Adults Risk Homelessness, Racism When Moving

Young transgender adults often relocate to cities like San Francisco where they feel safer and have access to adequate health care, but the migration might place them at risk of homelessness, unemployment and racism, say University of Michigan researchers.

Adriane Kline, MPH '21, Health Behavior and Health Education, University of Michigan School of Public Health

A Global Journey for Sustainable Public Health

Over years and many miles of travel, master’s student Adriane Kline has honed her ability to integrate intercultural learning, thoughtful communication, team science, and a passion for the health of communities into long-term, sustainable, population health solutions.