Faculty Profile

Matthew Zawistowski, PhD
- Clinical Associate Professor, Biostatistics
Matthew Zawistowski is a Clinical Associate Professor of Biostatistics. Matt completed his dissertation and postdoc in Biostatistics at the University of Michigan, focusing on problems in statistical and population genetics. In particular, he develops statistical methods for analyzing genetic variants identified in large-scale genome sequencing studies to better understand human populations and disease. Following his postdoc, Matt worked briefly at the Ann Arbor VA where he gained valuable experience working with Electronic Health Records. He is currently part of the Michigan Genomics Initiative (MGI), which combines his interests in genomics and phenotyping through Electronic Health Records. Throughout his career, Matt has been passionate about teaching math and statistics. He was awarded the 2022 SPH Excellence in Teaching award.
- PhD, Biostatistics, University of Michigan, 2011
- MS, Biostatistics, University of Michigan, 2007
- MS, Mathematics, Lehigh University, 2005
- BS, Mathematics, Saint Joseph's University, 2003
Research Interests:
Statistical and Population Genetics, Electronic Health Records, Risk Prediction, Precision
Medicine, Statistics Education
Goldstein JA, Weinstock JS, Bastarache LA, Larach DB, Fritsche LG, Schmidt EM, Brummett CM, Kheterpal S, Abecasis GR, Denny JC, Zawistowski M. LabWAS: Novel findings and study design recommendations from a meta-analysis of clinical labs in two independent biobanks. PLoS Genet. 2020 Nov 11;16(11):e1009077. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009077. PMID: 33175840; PMCID: PMC7682892.
Fritsche LG, Beesley LJ, VandeHaar P, Peng RB, Salvatore M, Zawistowski M, Gagliano Taliun SA, Das S, LeFaive J, Kaleba EO, Klumpner TT, Moser SE, Blanc VM, Brummett CM, Kheterpal S, Abecasis GR, Gruber SB, Mukherjee B. (2019) Exploring various polygenic risk scores for skin cancer in the phenomes of the Michigan genomics initiative and the UK Biobank with a visual catalog: PRSWeb. PLoS Genet. 15(6):e1008202. PMID: 31194742
Carlson J, Locke AE, Flickinger M, Zawistowski M, Levy S, Myers RM, Boehnke M, Kang HM, Scott LJ, Li JZ, Zollner S; BRIDGES Consortium. (2018) Extremely rare variants reveal patterns of germline mutation rate heterogeneity in humans. Nat Commun. 9(1):3753. PMID: 30218074
Fritsche LG, Gruber SB, Wu Z, Schmidt EM, Zawistowski M, Moser SE, Blanc VM, Brummett CM, Kheterpal S, Abecasis GR, Mukherjee B. (2018) Association of Polygenic Risk Scores for Multiple Cancers in a Phenome-wide Study: Results from The Michigan Genomics Initiative. Am J Hum Genet. 102(6):1048-1061. PMID: 29779563.
Jun G, Manning A, Almeida M, Zawistowski M, Wood AR, Teslovich TM, Fuchsberger C, Feng S, Cingolani P, Gaulton KJ, Dyer T, Blackwell TW, Chen H, Chines PS, Choi S, Churchhouse C, Fontanillas P, King R, Lee S, Lincoln SE, Trubetskoy V, DePristo M, Fingerlin T, Grossman R, Grundstad J, Heath A, Kim J, Kim YJ, Laramie J, Lee J, Li H, Liu X, Livne O, Locke AE, Maller J, Mazur A, Morris AP, Pollin TI, Ragona D, Reich D, Rivas MA, Scott LJ, Sim X, Tearle RG, Teo YY, Williams AL, Zollner S, Curran JE, Peralta J, Akolkar B, Bell GI, Burtt NP, Cox NJ, Florez JC, Hanis CL, McKeon C, Mohlke KL, Seielstad M, Wilson JG, Atzmon G, Below JE, Dupuis J, Nicolae DL, Lehman D, Park T, Won S, Sladek R, Altshuler D, McCarthy MI, Duggirala R, Boehnke M, Frayling TM, Abecasis GR, Blangero J. (2018) Evaluating the contribution of rare variants to type 2 diabetes and related traits using pedigrees. Proc Natl Acad Sci 115(2):379-384. PMID: 29279374
Tsoi LC, Stuart PE, Tian C, Gudjonsson JE, Das S, Zawistowski M, Ellinghaus E, Barker JN, Chandran V, Dand N, Duffin KC, Enerback C, Esko T, Franke A, Gladman DD, Hoffmann P, Kingo K, Koks S, Krueger GG, Lim HW, Metspalu A, Mrowietz U, Mucha S, Rahman P, Reis A, Tejasvi T, Trembath R, Voorhees JJ, Weidinger S, Weichenthal M, Wen X, Eriksson N, Kang HM, Hinds DA, Nair RP, Abecasis GR, Elder JT. (2017) Large scale meta-analysis characterizes genetic architecture for common psoriasis associated variants. Nat Commun. 8:15382. PMID: 28537254
Zawistowski M, Sussman JB, Hofer TP, Bentley D, Hayward RA, Wiitala WL. (2017) Corrected ROC analysis for misclassified binary outcomes. Stat Med. 36(13):2148-2160. PMID: 28245528.
Zawistowski M, Reppell M, Wegmann D, St Jean PL, Ehm MG, Nelson MR, Novembre J, Zollner S. (2014) Analysis of rare variant population structure in Europeans explains differential stratification of gene-based tests. Eur J Hum Genet. 22(9):1137-44. PMID: 24398795.
Nelson MR, Wegmann D, Ehm MG, Kessner D, St Jean P, Verzilli C, Shen J, Tang Z, Bacanu SA, Fraser D, Warren L, Aponte J, Zawistowski M, Liu X, Zhang H, Zhang Y, Li J, Li Y, Li L, Woollard P, Topp S, Hall MD, Nangle K, Wang J, Abecasis G, Cardon LR, Zollner S, Whittaker JC, Chissoe SL, Novembre J, Mooser V. (2012) An abundance of rare functional variants in 202 drug target genes sequenced in 14,002 people. Science 337(6090):100-4. PMID: 22604722.
Jewett EM, Zawistowski M, Rosenberg NA, Zollner S. (2012) A coalescent model for genotype imputation. Genetics 191(4):1239-55. PMID: 22595242.
Zawistowski M, Gopalakrishnan S, Ding J, Li Y, Grimm S, Zollner S. (2010) Extending rare-variant testing strategies: analysis of noncoding sequence and imputed genotypes. Am J Hum Genet 87(5):604-17. PMID: 21070896
M4025 SPH II
1415 Washington Heights
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Phone: (734) 615-9618
Email: mattz@umich.edu
Areas of Expertise: Biostatistics