Faculty Profile

Ananda Sen, PhD
- Lee A. Green Collegiate Research Professor, Department of Biostatistics
- Research Professor, Department of Family Medicine
Dr. Sen holds research professor titles in the departments of Family Medicine and Biostatistics. He is a fellow of the American Statistical Association and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He is a past recipient of the Teaching Excellence Award at the School of Public Health. He has an established career record as a statistician with over 180 publications in peer-reviewed journals and invited book chapters. He has methodological expertise in survival analysis, Bayesian methods, and correlated agreement, topics which have a range of applications in bio-medical Sciences. Dr. Sen has extensive collaborative experience in cancer prevention and biomarker research with diet and disease endpoints. In the past, he has served as the director of the Biostatistics Core in the NCI funded Specialized Program on Research Excellence in GI Cancer at the University of Michigan. He serves as the Book Review Editor for the journal International Statistical Review. He has multiple editorial commitments, serving as editorial board members of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, International Statistical Review, and Communications in Statistics, and as the statistics co-editor for the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. He has been involved in writing practice guidelines for the Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT), in the National Academy of Sciences, and for the Society for Integrative Oncology.
Professional affiliations:
American Statistical Association
Internationall Biometric Society
International Indian Statistical Association
International Statistical Institute
- PhD, Statistics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1993
- M.S., Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, 1987
- B.S., Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, 1985
Research Interests:
My primary focus of research is in survival analysis with an emphasis on competing
risks and recurrent events. In general, I am interested in implementing Bayesian models
and methodologies in biomedical applications that range from cancer clinical trials
to genetic applications and sparse data. A more recent methodological focus is on
analyzing correlated agreement measures that have immense applications in diagnostic
Research Projects:
As a joint faculty in Michigan Medicine, I am heavily involved in collaborative projects
in a variety of topics including cancer prevention through behavioral and lifestyle
interventions, health services research, women's health, disability research. My applied
collaborations as a primary biostatistician supporting the work of the GI oncology
group at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center have focused on studies of
biomarker discovery and dietary interventions in gastrointestinal cancers.
Boonstra, PS, Barbaro, RP, Sen A. Default Priors for the Intercept Parameter in Logistic Regressions. Comput Stat Data Anal, 133: 245-256, 2019.
Satagopan JM, Sen A, Zhou Q, Qing L, Rothman N, Langseth H, Engel LS. Bayes and empirical Bayes methods for reduced rank regression models in matched case-control studies. Biometrics, 72(2):584-95, 2016.
Sen A, Banerjee M, Li Y, Noone AM. A Bayesian approach to competing risks analysis with masked cause of death. Stat Med, 29(16):1681-95, 2010.
Basu S, Sen A, Banerjee M. Bayesian analysis of competing risks with partially masked cause of failures. Applied Statistics, 52:77-93, 2003.
Basu S, Banerjee M, Sen A. Bayesian inference for Kappa from single and multiple studies. Biometrics, 56:577-582, 2000.
Sen A, Zhao L, Djuric Z, Turgeon DK, Ruffin MT, Smith WL, Brenner DE, Normolle DP. An adaptive Bayesian design for personalized dosing in a cancer prevention trial. Am J Prev Med, 59(4):e167-e173, 2020.
Djuric Z, Turgeon DK, Sen A, Ren J, Herman K, Ramaswamy D, Zhao L, Ruffin MT 4th, Normolle DP, Smith WL, Brenner DE. The anti-inflammatory effect of personalized omega-3 fatty acid dosing for reducing prostaglandin e2 in the colonic mucosa is attenuated in obesity. Cancer Prev Res (Phila), 10(12):729-737, 2017.
Zick SM, Sen A, Wyatt GK, Murphy SL, Arnedt JT, Harris RE. Investigation of 2 types of self-administered acupressure for persistent cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer survivors: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Oncol, 2(11):1470-76, 2016.
Sen A, Ren J, Ruffin MT, Turgeon DK, Brenner DE, Sidahmed E, Rapai ME, Cornellier ML, Djuric, Z. Relationships between serum and colon concentrations of carotenoids and fatty acids in randomized dietary intervention trial. Cancer Prev Res, 6(6):558-65, 2013.
Sen A, Lee S-Y, Gillespie BW, Kazerooni EA, Goodsitt MM, Rosenman KD, Lockey JE, Meyer CA, Petsonk EL, Wang ML, Franzblau A. Comparing film and digital radiographs for reliability of pneumoconiosis classifications: A modeling approach. Acad Radiol, 17(4):511-19, 2010.
Email: anandas@umich.edu
Phone: 734-998-7120 (ext. 344)
Fax: 734-998-7335
1018 Fuller Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Areas of Expertise: Biostatistics